Mythe: A Fairy Tale

Free Mythe: A Fairy Tale by P J Gordon

Book: Mythe: A Fairy Tale by P J Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: P J Gordon
forth, busy with their various tasks, and the small party had to dodge wheeled equipment crates several times. After guiding them through a small maze of corridors, Jonathan ushered them into a roomy lounge.
    “Richard and Joshua will join you shortly. Make yourself at home and help yourself to refreshments,” he said, indicating a table against one wall that was laden with a variety of beverages and snacks. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
    “Thank you for everything,” David said, shaking Jonathan’s hand. “We’ve had a fantastic night.”
    “It’s been my pleasure,” Jonathan replied with a smile, and left them alone.
    David took a soft drink and made himself comfortable in an armchair. Stacey and Katie paced restlessly, both too excited to sit. Manda helped herself to a bottle of water from the table and forced herself to sit down and at least try to look cool and collected, though she was anything but. Her heart was racing. Though she’d grown relatively comfortable with Richard and Josh at the office, the thought of seeing them again in full rockstar mode, after they had just performed in front of thousands of fans, was a little intimidating. She sipped her water and concentrated on not fidgeting.
    “You look really nice tonight, M,” David said. “New outfit maybe?” He raised his eyebrows meaningfully.
    “Aunt Manda and I went shopping today,” Katie informed him, happily. “She bought me a new outfit, too.” Katie’s face abruptly fell. “Oh, no! I left my jacket in the suite! Aunt Manda! My new jacket!” she wailed.
    “It’s okay, don’t worry!” Manda soothed. “We’ll just go back and get it. No big deal.” She stood up and gave Katie a reassuring hug.
    “If we go upstairs we won’t be able to get back here unescorted. You guys stay here,” David instructed. “I’ll go. I’ll find someone who can track down Jonathan for me and see if he can’t help us out.”
    “Thanks, David,” Katie said gratefully. “I’ll come with you.”
    “Sure,” David replied. “You don’t have to though. Wouldn’t you rather wait here?”
    “No, it’s okay. It’s my fault. I’ll come.”
    “Okay. Let’s hurry then,” David said. “We’ll be right back,” he tossed over his shoulder as he led Katie from the room.
    “He’s such a doll,” Stacey said as she perched on the arm of one of the chairs near Manda.
    “He really is,” Manda agreed. “You two make a nice couple,” she added sincerely.
    “He really loves working with you, you know.” Stacey confided. “He thinks of you like a little sister.”
    “ Little sister? But I’m two months older than he is!” Manda laughed. “We do have a lot of fun at work though.”
    “So, what’s it been like, working with Rain ?” Stacey asked, leaning toward Manda eagerly. “When I ask David he just says it’s ‘okay,’ like it’s just another day at the office.”
    “They’re really easy to work with. In a way, David’s right. It is kind of like just another day at the office. There hasn’t been any major drama or anything like that. It’s been really nice.” Manda’s answer was casual and light—never mind the butterflies she got every time she saw Richard. It was just a little crush. “Besides, we’ve only had two meetings with them so far.”
    “Oh, come on! They’re rich, famous, and gorgeous ! Definitely not just another day at the office,” Stacey said skeptically.
    “They don’t act like it, though,” Manda explained. “They’re both really down to earth and nice. You’ll see.”
    Stacey smiled in anticipation and began to pace again. “Katie must be in seventh heaven. I’m surprised you didn’t bring Robbie too. Won’t he be jealous?”
    “No, I introduced him to some of the Broncos a few months ago when we were doing some work for them. This makes them even.”
    “Katie’s really grown up a lot since I saw her last. She’s gotten so tall!”
    “She’s taller than me now,” Manda

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