Baby Experts 02

Free Baby Experts 02 by The Midwife’s Glass Slipper

Book: Baby Experts 02 by The Midwife’s Glass Slipper Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Midwife’s Glass Slipper
Tags: Romance
there would be a reason. And he wouldn’t stop calling until he got her. She knew her ex that well.
    “Excuse me,” she said to Jared as she walked to the end of the aisle where she had better reception and some privacy.
    After she answered, her ex-husband asked, “How are you doing, Em?”
    She didn’t like the nickname, never had really. He hadn’t taken her seriously when she’d told him that. “I’mokay, but this isn’t a good time. Can I give you a call back later tonight?”
    “You’re still at work?”
    “No, I’m not.”
    “On a date?”
    Ever since their divorce, he hadn’t cared. Why would he now? “No, Richard. I’m shopping.”
    “Well, it’s good to know you have enough money to do that. Low expenses in Sagebrush.”
    “I’m getting by. I’m sharing a house and that helps.” She didn’t even know why she told him that except she wanted him to realize she didn’t have a lot left over at the end of the month. “So, why are you calling?”
    “I need your signature on something.”
    “What?” All of their belongings except two had been divided up.
    “I want to sell the painting that’s hanging over the sofa, but your name’s on the provenance, too.”
    The only property that hadn’t been completely settled was the painting and the boat, a thirty-six-foot sailing vessel that Richard used to impress clients. She wondered why he needed money, though. His salary had always covered their bills comfortably. They’d used her salary for her personal expenses and extras—parties, dinners out, half of the down payment on the boat.
    “How do you want to handle selling the painting?” she asked, still mourning the loss of the relationship she’d begun with stars in her eyes, intending it to last forever.
    “Do you have a fax?”
    She didn’t, but Francesca did. “I can give you my roommate’s fax number.” She rattled it off.
    “That’s great. I’ll fax the form over right away. Sign it and send it back to me by registered mail, okay?”
    “Thanks, Em.”
    “No problem.”
    The awkward silence vibrating on the line came from two people who didn’t know each other anymore, who maybe had never really known each other. “Take care,” he said as if he wanted to say more but didn’t know how.
    “You, too.”
    After she closed her phone, Jared approached her. “Is everything okay?”
    “Fine. My ex needs my signature. We bought this painting together for the living room…” She stopped, a lump forming in her throat.
    “Everything has a memory attached, doesn’t it?” Jared asked as if he knew.
    She nodded, tucking her phone into its purse pocket, not meeting his gaze.
    He set down everything he was holding onto the floor, then straightened, came very close and lifted her chin. “I was divorced, too, so I understand that even though a marriage is over, there are still remnants left of what it once meant.”
    She wanted to tell him everything—about how Richard had turned away from her during the court proceedings, about how his lack of support had left her feeling so alone. But there would be so much to explain…so much Jared might not understand.
    “Do you still love him?”
    The answer seemed to be important to Jared. Why was he asking? Because he wanted her to be free of entanglements? To be free of her past? She didn’t know if she’d ever be free of that.
    “The part of me that once loved him remembers what that was like. I wish him well. But no, I’m not still in love with him.”
    Jared searched her face, perhaps not knowing if he could believe her words. Why would he doubt what she said? Unless someone had lied to him before?
    The intensity of the moment passed as his hand slid from her chin. He picked up the play set and the tea set he’d set on the floor. “I think you should come over and show the girls all the aspects of the hospital that they might see. Explanations wouldn’t be too scary coming from you. I might be too clinical. What do

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