When the Curtain Rises

Free When the Curtain Rises by Rachel Muller

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Authors: Rachel Muller
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    Chloe’s fingers were wrapped around the key at her neck. “Actually, I was just on my way upstairs.”
    â€œTo look for your mystery lock? Even better,” said Nyssa. “I’ve never been past the main floor. I’ve always wanted to see the rest of the house.”
    When Chloe hesitated, Nyssa put up her hands. “I’ll be cool. I won’t say anything more about haunted houses, I promise.”
    â€œAll right,” said Chloe. She stepped back to let her friend enter. “We can cover more ground with two pairs of eyes anyway.” On their way up the stairs, Chloe pointed out the painting of the carnival on the first landing.
    â€œThis is it?” said Nyssa, leaning forward to get a better look. “This is the picture that keeps changing?”
    Chloe nodded. “And now look, there’s a lake in the background. I swear that’s the first time I’ve seen the lake. No matter what you say about holograms or practical jokes, this picture still creeps me out!”
    Nyssa studied the painting a second longer. “All right then, let’s see if this lake is still here when we come back downstairs.”
    A minute later they were on the third floor, entering a storage room lined with cupboards and shelves and wardrobes. Garment racks filled most of the center of the room.
    â€œCool,” Nyssa said as Chloe unzipped the nearest garment bag and removed a long gown of gauzy white fabric. Nyssa reached for the handle of the mahogany wardrobe beside her. She was almost buried in the avalanche of garments that spilled out when she opened the door. “Wow. Did all these costumes come from Dante’s carnival?” she asked.
    â€œAll that stuff disappeared with Dante, I think,” said Chloe. “Kitty told me that her mother was a seamstress and costume maker for St. Mark’s.”
    â€œYour great-grandmother made these?” said Nyssa, holding up a mermaid’s tail covered with glittering scales. “That is so cool.”
    Chloe nodded. “I know. Both my great-grandparents were amazing. You wouldn’t believe what Dante went through to get what he wanted. It makes me feel kind of stupid. Dante would never have let something like stage fright stop him from doing what he wanted to do.”
    â€œPeople get over stage fright, you know,” Nyssa said as she returned the mermaid’s tail to the wardrobe. “I know you say you have it bad, but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence.”
    â€œI know, I know.” Chloe took a deep breath. “Actually, on that subject, I was kind of wondering—how late would be too late to put my name down for that talent show?”
    Nyssa looked up. “You’re changing your mind?”
    â€œDon’t get excited,” said Chloe. “I’m not committing myself to anything yet. It’s just, I’ve been thinking about how Dante never gave up. I don’t know. I’ve been reading his memoir, exploring his house—maybe some of his determination is rubbing off on me.”
    â€œSo do you still have your entry form?”
    â€œI threw it away,” Chloe said sheepishly.
    â€œNo problem,” said Nyssa. “I can get you another one tonight.”
    â€œWait—” Chloe threw up her hands. “You have to understand. Just talking about this makes me feel sick. It’s like there’s this thing inside me, waiting to pounce when I even think about performing.”
    â€œSo do you want to do it or not?” asked Nyssa.
    â€œI want to do it. I just need to take it in little steps.”
    Nyssa shrugged. “All right, I’ll get the form then.”
    â€œThanks,” Chloe said, letting out her breath. “Guess I’ll have to start doing some serious practicing.”
    â€œYou’d better. You’ve only got a few weeks left. Sorry,” Nyssa added when she saw the pained expression on

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