Free GOODBYE to YESTERDAY by Wanda E. Brunstetter

Book: GOODBYE to YESTERDAY by Wanda E. Brunstetter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter
the door, followed by a loud bark. “Are you ready to come in?” she asked, opening the door.
    Woof! Woof!
Fritz tromped inside and raced up the stairs.
    When Meredith entered the bedroom, she found Fritz sitting on the floor at the foot of her bed, whining.
    “I know, pup,” Meredith said, patting the dog’s head. “Luke hasn’t even been gone a full day, yet I miss him so much.”
    Then, seeing the wet paw prints on the floor, she grabbed a towel and wiped up the water.
    Going around in circles until he found just the right position, Fritz grunted and finally bedded down on the floor.
    Meredith crawled into bed, and as she pulled the covers up to her chin, she said a prayer on her husband’s behalf. It seemed like she’d been praying for Luke a lot since he’d left this afternoon.
    But that’s okay
, she reminded herself.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 we are told to pray without ceasing

    Alex gulped down half of his burger and grabbed the rest of it in a napkin. Then he slapped his money on the table and followed the Amish guy out the door. When he saw the fellow enter the bus station across the street, his interest increased. He had no idea where the guy might be heading, but anyplace out of Philly would be good enough for Alex. Wanting a quick getaway, and to be far from the drug dealers he’d stolen from, he thought this might end up being a piece of cake. To have the money he needed would be an extra bonus.
    Leaning into the wind, and giving in to yet another coughing fit, Alex stepped inside the bus station, grateful for the warmth.
Sure wish I had a jacket
, he thought.
    Once again, his gaze went to the Amish man, who had taken a seat between two old men on the other side of the room. The lucky guy had a jacket and a hat to chase away the cold. All Alex had was a dirty old T-shirt and a pair of faded, holey jeans. If he switched clothes with this fellow, he’d finally be warm.
    I’ll bet the guy won’t give me too much trouble
, Alex thought.
If he’s peaceful, like I’ve heard the Amish are, then he oughta do everything I ask
    He took a seat on the bench across from the Amish man and gave a nod when the fellow glanced his way. There were too many other people in the bus station for him to make a move right now, but if he could get the guy alone, he might have a chance. Feeling a bit stronger with some food in his belly, Alex decided to finish his burger and wait the man out.
    After eating, then sitting there waiting, Alex felt himself getting drowsy, but he wouldn’t give in to the temptation to sleep. As more passengers departed, the bus depot started clearing out. Alex knew for sure that his luck was changing when the Amish man stood and headed for the restroom. He could make his move now. Getting to his feet, he didn’t hesitate to follow, anxious to get this over with.

    Luke had just finished washing his hands when the scruffy-looking bearded man he’d seen come into the bus station shortly after he had entered the restroom. He stood staring at Luke a few seconds then sidled up to him and said, “Gimme your clothes.”
    Luke’s forehead wrinkled. “You … you want my clothes?”
    “That’s what I said. Give‘em to me right now!” The man’s hand shook as he balled it into a fist. “You’d better do as I say, or you’ll be sorry.”
    Luke was tempted to resist, but seeing the desperation on the man’s face, he thought better of it. This would be a good opportunity to show his Christianity. And with nothing but a T-shirt and a pair of holey jeans, the poor man was probably cold. Luke knew he could borrow some clothes from his uncle when he got to Indiana. Besides, he’d be getting on the bus soon, and that would give him some warmth.
    But the scruffy-looking fellow wasn’t satisfied with just Luke’s clothes. Once they’d traded, he demanded Luke’s wallet. Luke could see that the man was shaky and agitated, so he offered to buy him something to eat.

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