The Highlander's Vow (Loch Moigh #4)

Free The Highlander's Vow (Loch Moigh #4) by Barbara Longley

Book: The Highlander's Vow (Loch Moigh #4) by Barbara Longley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Longley
cuisses. “I mean it as a compliment.”
    “Nay. You dinna. Do you forget I am a truthsayer, sir?” She made a snorting noise. “Though your words sound pleasant enough, your intent is most disparaging.” With that revelation, she turned on her heel and strode back into his parents’ camper, slamming the flimsy aluminum door behind her.
    Damn, he had forgotten. Guilt swamped him. She got under his skin on far too many levels and for far too many reasons to count. None of them were her fault. He blew out a breath and stared blindly into the surrounding woods. He should apologize, and he would, just not right this minute. He wanted to have everything ready to go by the time his family returned. Struan went back to packing up their gear, his mind in turmoil. Again.
    Michael pulled Struan’s pickup into the campsite first. By that time, Struan had the horses fed, watered and ready to load. He patted Brutus’s neck as the gelding snuffled at his pockets in search of a treat.
    Michael climbed out of the truck, holding a cardboard tray full of covered cups of coffee. He handed one to Struan. “Where’s Sky?”
    Struan gestured toward the camper.
    “She’s up and dressed. We . . . had words earlier. I guess she objects to being called princess .”
    Michael’s expression turned accusatory. “It’s not about what you call her, Struan. It’s—”
    “I know, and you’re right. My intent is most disparaging. I can’t seem to help myself. She just gets to me for some reason.” Her sudden appearance, her very presence churned up too much from his past and scared the shit out of him about his future—or the possible lack thereof. He couldn’t admit that to Michael though. “I know I behaved badly, and I swear I’ll apologize.”
    Michael scrutinized him. “You’d better, or else.”
    “Or else what?” He tousled Michael’s hair. “You’ll kick my butt?”
    “That’s right.” Michael grinned before heading for the trailer.
    Michael would do his best to smooth Sky’s ruffled feathers. Another pang of guilt hit him. He should be the one to soothe her injured feelings, since he’d been the one to wound her in the first place. Should he follow his brother into the trailer, tell Sky he was sorry? He stood in the middle of their campsite, indecision immobilizing him.
    Gene pulled in next, followed by Marjorie. Gene climbed out and frowned at him. “What’s got your boxers in a bunch?”
    “Just thinking.” He’d apologize to Sky while they were on the road. “Everything’s ready to go here.”
    Marjorie set a large paper bag on the hood of their pickup. “Good. Where’s Michael with that coffee?”
    “Inside with Sky.”
    His ma’s sharp gaze settled on him for an uncomfortable second, before she nodded and headed for the trailer herself. Sighing, Struan imagined Michael would fill her in on all his transgressions. He’d get an earful from her later, he was sure.
    The next half hour was spent readying everything for departure. Sky pitched in where she could, surprising him, adding to his load of guilt. With broom in hand, she was currently sweeping out Gene and Marjorie’s trailer. In his experience, women of noble birth were accustomed to having servants take care of such things like that for them. Sky was a paradox, proud and regal, yet willing to undertake even the most menial of tasks.
    “I’ll take the horse trailer,” Struan said. “Sky, you can ride with me.”
    “I’d rather travel with Michael or Gene and Marjorie.” Her delicate hands tightened around the broom handle.
    He’d only added to her fear and uncertainty with his bad attitude. “I can’t blame you, but I think we need to talk.”
    Michael came up beside her. “It’s OK, Sky. Ride with Struan for now, and when we stop, if you want, you can switch.” He patted her shoulder. “You two do need to talk.”
    She shrugged as if it didn’t make any difference to her one way or the other. “Mayhap

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