Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series)
the man
who had saved me, helped me for no price, but the opportunity to be
kind, was you,” Sophie stated.
    “Well, no wonder you blocked it from your
mind, Sophie. What you had endured was cruel and inhumane. I
believe that it is a natural reaction.”
    “Yes, but you see,” Sophie moved closer to
sit next to him and took his hand in hers, “I never got a chance to
say ‘thank you’.” She smiled sweetly, sadly, and with the type of
gratitude he didn’t want to see on her face.
    “I don’t need thanks,” Sylvain scowled. “I
seldom do what I don’t want to, Sophie.” Yet, she continued to gaze
at him as though he was some type of hero. The only hero-worship he
wanted from her was from the satisfaction she got once he'd bedded
her. The thought escaped unwittingly and Sylvain’s scowl deepened.
Here she was, looking like any grown man’s wet dream and looking at
him like that. He knew then, that he could take advantage of the
situation, but he wouldn’t.
    Mistaking his scowl for humility, Sophie
continued, “It means a lot to me to be able to say ‘thank you’
after all this time. You gave me a second chance, took me to the
only place you knew I’d be safe—the Ursuline convent.”
    “I didn’t do such a great job if you’re a
vampire now,” he said gravely.
    That admission stung and Sophie blanched.
Seeing that, he shook his head, “No. I don’t mean that I have
anything against vampires, but vampires are rarely born out of
anything, but tragedy. That tells me that you weren’t safe for
long.” He raked his eyes over her. “You became a vampire when you
were, what? Twenty-four?” At her nod, he explained further, “That
means that the path I led you onto only kept you safe for eight
years. That’s barely a blink of an eye for one such as I.”
    “But, it is a long time for a human,
Sylvain,” Sophie stated firmly. “Given what I had been through,
believe me, eight years was bliss. I had a good life in those eight
years. They weren’t perfect and without pain, but I had a life,
food to eat, friends I made and though the end was tragic, my life
since becoming a vampire has been filled with unparalleled love. I
have my sisters and Miss Suzette and through all of that, I have
friends like you, Niul, and Conall.”
    “Are you really happy as a vampire?” Sylvain
asked. “Happy with the life you have?”
    Sophie tipped her head to the side,
contemplating, then looked back at him, and smiled, “Yes.”
    “Well then, I believe that I did okay,” he
smiled back. “And I’m glad to have met you again. I've never met
any of the others, I helped Conall rescue back then. So, this is a
novel experience for me.”
    “Others?” Sophie inquired. “Come to think of
it, why did you rescue me?”
    “Ah,” Sylvain smiled, “my wild warrior days.
That, ma petite chérie is a long tale, and it is still dark,
enough time for you to perhaps get some sleep. Tomorrow you begin
your empath training and I imagine that Arianna would have my hide
if I kept you up all night. Being her monarch does not pardon me in
her eyes.”
    “No,” Sophie stopped him from getting up with
a hand on his arm. Sylvain winced at her grip. “Sorry,” Sophie
smiled sheepishly at him, “I sometimes forget that I’m
    “That’s okay,” Sylvain smiled at her. “I like
it rough and a rough vamp is such a turn on.”
    Sophie rolled her eyes, knowing that his
jerkish behavior was a cover-up. He’d risked his life when he'd
helped the Coffin Girls and Conall save the young witches. It was
apparent that he’d made a habit of rescuing damsels in distress. No
man that did that was as superficial as Sylvain liked to paint
himself, and she refused to play into it. “Whatever,” she said,
nonchalantly. “I won’t be able to sleep anyway after all of this,
so how about you tell me that story?”
    “If the lady insists on a bedtime story, then
I must insist that we be comfortable.” Sylvain sported his

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