Supernatural Seduction (Book 2 of the Coffin Girls Series)
roguish grin. He lay down on her bed as though he belonged there,
pulling her close, and tucking her into his side.
    “You’re going to milk this savior thing for
all it’s worth, aren’t you?”
    “Me?” He looked at her in mock bafflement.
    “You’re incorrigible,” she retorted. Another
eye-roll, and then she prodded him so that he could begin filling
in the gaps.
    “Conall and I were friends as we are now, and
although we had no mission to perform for the Goddess, we had our
own thoughts of chivalry. With the witch hunts spreading throughout
Europe, Conall was always away trying to stop them. You’ll remember
that many of those the church damned were simply unfortunate
humans.” Sophie nodded, her eyes on him, but her mind back in time,
re-living the tale as her own.
    Keeping an eye on her, he continued. “He
didn’t just rescue witches, he rescued as many human women and
girls as he possibly could. The enemy was easy to defeat back then.
They were Bible-sprouting hypocrites that used religion for their
own gain. Do you know that the motivation for many of the
witch-hunts, even the famous Salem massacres, was monetary?”
    “Yes,” Sophie agreed. “I’ve read a book on
the Salem massacres that indicated as such. It would make sense
that money would be the motivator, even then. Men, and women,
seemed to have evolved little over the centuries.”
    Sophie nodded, “I always found it interesting
that the executors got wealthier with each capital punishment and
no one in the towns and villages said or did anything about it. I’m
sure some were afraid and others had their hands in the coffers,
too, but those who greased their palms were a minority. If the
masses had dug up the courage to stand against it, they could have
    “Indeed,” nodded Sylvain. “Now back to the
tale. I was intrigued by what Conall was doing and grudgingly
admired it. I was also bored. Living millennia can be tedious. So,
I decided to help him out. The witch-hunts were expansive and while
Conall’s army was large, he could not span the expanse of an entire
continent. I didn’t remember you, not because you’re forgettable,
but because I’d lost count of how many women, I saved back then.
Also, I’m not a pedophile and you were a young girl. If you’d been
then, as you are now, I might not have dropped you off at the
    The gaze he raked over Sophie’s body seared
her through her clothing. Her breath caught as desire hit her hot
and hard. She looked up into his face and found herself drawn in,
held by the intensity of his gaze. Sophie leaned in to kiss
    Sylvain stopped her. “Why now? I’ve teased
you before and I’ve made no secret of my desire for you.”
    When Sophie’s gaze dropped, he nodded
gravely. “I thought so. I won’t get into this with you now, Sophie.
Not because I find you undesirable.” He raked his hands through his
hair, “I find you too desirable for our own good. What I want is
for you and I to carry on as friends and should we become lovers,
and I really want that, I don’t want you to do so because you have
a misguided feeling of obligation. I want you to make love to me
because you want me back as much as I want you. If I want a fuck, I
can get one. That’s not what I’m looking for with you.”
    Sophie reeled back, struck speechless, and
watched an angry Sylvain leave her room, the banging door barely
registering. What was that? So much had happened in the last few
hours that she barely understood it all. What she did know was that
she'd fucked up - big time. Groaning, she turned her head into the
pillow, and berated herself.

Chapter 6

    “Now that you have the shield in place,”
Arianna instructed Sophie, “visualize it as a force field, a type
of blanket you can wrap around your body.”
    “I can’t feel a thing,” Sophie announced in
wonder. Despite her most excellent company and tutor, Arianna, and
the warm eccentricity of the sorceress’s

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