Cheryl's Secret (Two Stories Series)

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Book: Cheryl's Secret (Two Stories Series) by Eva Marie Paulliere Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Marie Paulliere
woman so you can learn to handle one better.”
    “ Except that you’re going to help me. Not every woman does, you know,” Mark said, showing his appreciation.
    “But in a very short time you ’ve met two women, well three if you count Akiko, although I’d recommend refusing HER help, who are willing to show you things. Who knows? It might be a new trend. Imagine how much easier things would be for men if women just showed them what to do.”
    Tanya was going off on some tangent, talking to herself about some ideal world that she wanted to live in. Mark didn’t see this as an ideal world at all. God knows how corrupt the system could become. It seemed like women already dominated the sexual scene enough as it is.
    Tanya stopped musing and got back to the subject.
    “Any way, the first thing to do is allow yourself your thoughts. As a matter of fact, make yourself think about it. You can imagine me, Cheryl, and even Akiko, all having sex with you and taking turns while the waitress at the café is watching you, stimulating herself,” Tanya said jovially.
    “Why the waitress?” inquired Mark.
    “I saw the way she looked at you. Girls notice these things even and especially when guys don’t. You could probably score her almost as easily as Akiko.”
    Yeah, but my dick is on vacation, ordered by you.
    “So I can think whatever I want to, and it’s O.K.”
    “Absolutely! Don’t deny your imagination. You should be able to think about anything at any time, without guilt. Think about it this way, for example, take your “mental penis” out of Akiko for a moment. Now imagine giving a million dollars to charity.”
    “ O.K., I can visualize myself doing that,” Mark said.
    “Also, I want you to visualize yourself single-handedly thwarting a terrorist operation, like James Bond would do.”
    “This is fun too ,” Mark said. “Give me some more to think about.”
    “ O.K., I want you to visualize that you have absolute control of the U.S. government, all its resources, its Military, and its intelligence network,” Tanya suggested.
    “Do I get to ‘off’ anyone that I don’t like?” Mark asked.
    “ Absolutely! Imagine doing away with every one of your enemies or at least publicly humiliating them in the media,” Tanya suggested further.
    “ O.K., I can do that…” Mark paused for nearly a minute while Tanya patiently awaited his response.
    “Say,” Mark said enthusiastically. “Now I’m performing a concert at Carnegie Hall with a grand piano. I’m getting a standing ovation. I’m even dressed in a tux!”
    “I think you really got this down, Mark ,” Tanya said. “Now, I have a very important question to ask you about all this.”
    “Sure, ask me anything.”
    “All this great stuff that you’re thinking about, how much praise do you think you should get for it?”
    “Well, since I’m only thinking about it, I suppose I shouldn’t get any praise at all.”
    “Look, as much as the question sound s silly, there is a point. You see, the same way that you don’t deserve praise just for thinking the ‘right’ thoughts, conversely, you don’t deserve any blame for thinking the ‘wrong’ ones. Always remember that in the imagination; there’s no right or wrong. We can only be judged by our actions.”
    “ You've got a good point.”
    “So how do you feel about Akiko now?”
    “She doesn’t seem so important anymore. I’d like to know though, why do sex fantasies with Akiko make me feel bad? I mean, even when I’m completely alone and don’t have to justify my feelings to anyone, and the fact I don’t even have a girlfriend to ‘mentally cheat on’ I still feel bad…”
    “First of all, this ‘ mental cheating’ business is total crap. You think a thought, so what? I mean really, isn’t it bad enough that when you’re in a relationship or you get married that two people practically own each other? Do they have to own each other’s thoughts too? Not every thought you

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