Colton and the other band members were standing by the bar with Constance and the three girls from the restroom.
“Come meet my friends ,” I said, pulling Ashley behind me.
Colton’s eyes lock ed onto Ashley. A primal, cave man look overcame him as I trotted up with my drunken friend.
“This is Ashley . She works with me,” I pulled her closer in. I pointed to each individual as I named off everyone in the group, “This is Constance, Adam, Colton, and Corey.”
Colton stepped away from the bar and grabbed Ashley’s hand, leaning down to kiss it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ashley.”
“Ohhh, a little Casanova? ” Ashley giggled and staggered back. I pushed her shoulders gently to help her regain her balance.
The three girls from the restroom lingered for a few minutes, realizing that no one was paying any attention to them they finally left. Adam handed me a glass and just as I was savoring the first sip from my watered-down drink Ashley whacked me on the back. I covered my mouth to keep from spitting my drink all over Constance.
“What?” I spun around and found Ashley wide eyed. “What?” I demanded she answer me.
Her finger trembled as she pointed across the bar. “Look!” Ashley gasped.
I followed her finger, but all I saw was a crowd of people. Ashley tugged on my shirt and then I saw what she was pointing at. It was Dan.
“Shit,” I belted out. I ducked under the bar, yanking Ashley down with me.
We crouched at the base of the bar, staring at each other in shock. The floor was wet and sticky from drinks spilling from the bar top. Constance looked down at us. She sipped on her drink and moved her eyes from side to side before directing them back down at us.
“Uhhh… what the hell are you two doing?” Constance asked.
“He’s here,” I whispered. Constance looked confused so I whispered it again. “He’s here !” I felt a few drops from someone’s drink fall onto my back.
“Who? Who’s here? Captain Jack Sparrow? Is there a mutiny, Cap’n?” She laughed, snorting before taking another sip of her drink. “What’d you guys take? I want some of whatever it was.” She laughed and stared at us like we’d lost our damn minds.
Grabbing the edge of the bar, I pulled myself up. I darted through the crowd to the back of the bar. Ashley and Constance followed as I flew around the stage and walked into the bathroom.
“Okay, what the hell is going on?” Constance placed her hands on her hips and stared at us both, waiting on an answer.
Ashley leaned against the stall and started giggling.
I screamed out, “The nasty, creepy guy from my office is here. Dan, you know, the pervert?” I was internally freaking out. I felt like I was being stalked.
“What? Why?” Constance looked concerned.
“I don’t know.”
Constance thought for a moment. “I mean, people go out all the time. Maybe he’s here with friends.”
Ashley frowned. “Yeah, right. He doesn’t have any friends. I’m pretty sure his wife even refuses to be seen in public with him.”
“Shit,” I groaned. “What do we do? He’s seriously messed up. Well, we can’t go back out there, we just can’t,” I continued to freak out as I paced back and forth, frantically sucking my drink down in an effort to calm the uncomfortable tightening feeling in my chest. “I’m going to HR Monday. This is sick!”
Ashley snorted, “Yeah. And how long have you been there? A week? You’re still on that ‘let’s see if she works out’ period. I think you should wait until your probation’s up. That way they can’t just let you go without a reason.”
My jaw gapped open. I couldn’t believe this. “Seriously, Ashley? Wait for five more months?”
She pursed her lips to the side, took a swig of her drink, and shrugged.
I was really disgusted with the fact that my Dan-free weekend had just been ruined. It wasn’t long before I was taken, against my will, back up to the bar to order another