Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)

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Book: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2) by Stevie J. Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stevie J. Cole
drink. As I was putting my wallet back into my purse I felt my phone vibrate. Pulling my phone out, there were two new text messages. When I pressed the button to open the messages up, I almost chunked my phone across the bar. The texts were from Dan.
    “Holy shit. He’s texting me,” I said as I stood almost frozen, my eyes glued to my phone.
    “Who? Dan?” Ashley snatched my phone out of my hands and read the messages.
    Dan: Hey, what you doing?
    Dan: I think I see you, are you at Madhaters? You look smoking hawt!
    Ashley passed the phone to Constance.
    Constance wrinkled her forehead and handed my phone back to me. “Okay, that’s weird and creepy. Do you see him?”
    I looked around, but didn’t see him. “No,” I said with a sigh of relief.
    Ashley glared at me. “Are you gonna respond?”
    “Hell, no! I don’t want to have to talk to him!”
    Constance’s eyes were frantically scanning the crowd. “Well, I’ve got to see this guy. So when you see him, you let me know where he is,” she said.
    She just didn’t understand.
    We got our drinks and made our way through the crowd to the stage to watch the next band play. I was constantly glancing over my shoulder to see if I could spot Dan, but much to my relief I didn’t see him. When the first song ended I felt someone pinch my arm.
    “I see him!” Ashley yelled over the loud guitars. “Look up at the catwalk.”
    Glancing up, I saw him leaned over the edge of the railing. He saw me looking at him and waved. I halfway waved back and out of pure desperation I grabbed Adam and started making out with him. When I finally pulled away Constance was staring at me, her lip curling up to her nose and her eyebrows sharply pointing down.
    Adam was one of those guys we’d sworn neither of us would ever touch, no matter how drunk or desperate. We’d vowed that we’d never let the other one commit such a heinous act… well, that vow was made long before I knew anything of Dan Stanley.
    “Well, all right…” Adam said, bringing his lips in for another kiss. I looked up hoping that Dan wasn’t watching, but he was, so I had no choice but to kiss Adam again. I felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin as Adam’s slimy tongue forced its way through my tightened lips.
    Constance punched me in the arm, then pinched my skin with her long, sharp nails.
    “What the hell, Brooke? That is disgusting…look at him… that’s Adam! Adam! You just swapped saliva with Adam! You should be ashamed of yourself!” Constance crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at me with a look of complete disgust.
    “Hey,” Adam protest ed.
    I tried explaining myself to Constance, “Look, that creepy guy is watching me and I just want him to think I have a boyfriend, okay? Adam was the closest thing to me besides you and Ashley. I don’t think me making out with one of you would exactly turn Dan off, so…” I looked over at Adam. “Sorry.”
    Adam shrugged. “Hey, if sticking your tongue down my throat can get you away from a creepy guy, well, I’m willing to make that sacrifice for you.” He leaned down to kiss my neck. I immediately grabbed his chest and twisted as hard as I could on what I thought was most likely his nipple. “Okay, okay… but you know… I’m also willing to consummate this fake relationship for a small fee.” Adam smiled. “We can just refer to it as ‘fake fucking.’ ”
    “Shut up,” I said, peeking back up to the catwalk. Dan was gone.
    We finished watching the band and made our way to the bar for last call.
    “Brooke? Hey, Brooke.” I glanced out the corner of my eye and saw Dan pushing his way through the crowd, alone.
    “Hey, I thought that was you I saw,” he said as he walked over and tried to give me a hug. Thankfully , Adam reached over and put his arm around me.
    “Yeah, it’s me,” I replied with a complete lack of enthusiasm. “Ashley’s here too,” I said, pointing at the bar where she was ordering a

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