Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series)

Free Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series) by Jennifer Foor

Book: Restore Me (Book 2.5 Kin Series) by Jennifer Foor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Foor
other and this was definitely not the friend territory.
    It only took me a second to decide that I needed to feel those puffy lips on mine . “I need to kiss you.”
    She took a deep breath and for a minute I could have sworn that she was going to let me. She cocked her brow. “Friends don’t kiss.”
    I leaned in, taking the chance on getting slapped, and let my lips drag over hers. “Maybe we shouldn’t be friends, then.”
    Our kiss wasn’t the kind that kids had behind the bleachers in high school. I wanted Lacey to experience the best first kiss, so that she could only imagine how good it would be if we were fucking. I wanted her to feign for it when it was over and stress on the idea of it being that good.
    We kissed for a good bit before I felt her body starting to pull away. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that she liked it and I wanted it to continue. The growing erection in my pants was going to be a dead giveaway if I didn’t pace myself. I had to remember that she was different than the others. I pulled away, and let my lips linger over hers. “Don’t get too carried away, Lace.” I began to pull away and she stopped me. “I told you that I wouldn’t beg.”
    I left her standing there, lingering on the thought of our kiss, while I checked on the food. I knew she liked it and it was only going to be a matter of time before she came back for more.
    I wasn’t being conceited. I’d known enough women to be aware when they were turned on and Lacey definitely was. Even out of the corner of my eye I could see that she was flustered. Her breathing was heavier and she refused to say anything.
    I went back to where she was standing and drug my lips over hers again. She stuck out her tongue and I licked it before pulling away.
    I grabbed her hand and kissed it, before picking her body up and sitting it on the counter. I wedged myself between her legs and kissed those lips again. She tasted of coffee and mouthwash and I wondered if somewhere in the back of her mind she knew this was going to happen. Why else would she have cared about her breath? With one swift tug, her shirt came off. She crossed her arms, covering herself as if she was being shy. Honestly, it was sexy as hell and another thing I wasn’t used to. “Don’t hide from me. I’m a grown man and you have nothin’ to be ashamed of.”
    I knew I was pushing the limits and probably already crossed some force-field she’d put up in my benefit, but I had to try. I could feel the chemistry between us and every time her lips touched mine, I wanted her more. It wasn’t just about rubbing one off either. I wanted to experience what this girl was like. Still, I knew I had to be careful with her. “Once you cross this line, there ain’t no goin’ back, Lace. When I get you naked and take you to my bed, it’s my rules, so you need to decide if that’s somethin’ you want. I’ve played this cat and mouse game with you, just waitin’ for you to admit that there’s somethin’ between us. I can wait longer, if I need to.” I kissed her and walked away for a second, letting my words sink in.
    “You couldn’t have known that when we first met, because I thought you were an asshole.”
    I chuckled but never looked over. “You thought I was sexy.”
    “Stop doing that. Don’t put words into my mouth.”
    Finally, I turned to look at her. She was sitting there, looking so sexy and there was a million things running through my mind, most of them required her to be naked. “Admit it. You were just as curious as I was. You can hide behind your broken heart, but this never had anything to do with feelin’s. We have sexual chemistry. I could tell from that first night. Like I told you before, though, I won’t beg. When you’re ready to give your body to me, you know where to find me.”
    Her demeanor changed as if she were really thinking about it. Then her next words let me know I had been right . “What does that entail; me giving my body to

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