Golden Change
body. They were all still standing in the courtyard talking about the game until they saw her shower.
    Aiden chuckled as all of the boys drifted closer to watch. Their dicks were standing straight out now, tenting their shorts. After a final rinse, Kylie ambled over to the hot tub. She stepped gingerly into the steamy water. She grabbed a water bottle out of the refrigerator and opened it before gulping some down. She looked at the boys, saying with a smile, “If you are going to use the hot tub, you need to shower first.”
    They all practically tripped over themselves to go to the waterfall, strip naked, and soap themselves. They all followed Jacob’s lead as he stripped to do a quick wash before joining Kylie in the hot tub. Kylie had closed her eyes as she relaxed, resting her head on the hot tub’s edge as they joined her.
    Jacob pulled Kylie onto his lap. She turned her body to curve into his, resting her head on his shoulder. His heart swelled, watching the reactions of the boys. He could see how a mate who garnered this much affection would really be an asset.
    As the boys relaxed in the water, they began to discuss how their internships were going. They were trying to act as if a beautiful woman were not sitting naked in their midst.
    Seeing the situation was in hand, Aiden left his spot watching them and went back in the house.
    Kylie actually fell asleep as the conversation flowed around her. Jacob felt another rush of swelling in his heart as he realized how much Kylie trusted him.
    He pressed a soft kiss to her temple, keeping his arms wrapped around her as she slept.
    When Jacob noticed her skin had turned red, he realized she shouldn’t stay much longer in the hot water. He put an arm under her knees as he stood up. Slowly he walked across the hot tub and up the steps. As the cool air touched her body, she began to stir.
    She opened her eyes as she reached up to kiss him. Jacob met her mouth halfway to kiss her softly. She opened her mouth and sucked his tongue in. His already-half-hard cock filled full.
    Without a word to the other boys, Jacob carried her through the door leading to their bedroom.
    The other boys looked at each other, giving each other grins, knowing it would likely be a long time before Jacob emerged. They got out of the pool and dried off, all with semi-hard erections. They didn’t say anything to Aiden as they passed him and left the house except to say, “Thanks for the hospitality.”
    * * * *
    It soon became regular for a collection of Jacob’s friends to come over to play sports, or hang out in their media room on the weekends. In addition to the five who first played, Randy and Peter, who couldn’t be there the first day, also came.
    Kylie was usually in the thick of things. She would prepare food for them, setting out a buffet of sandwiches, fruit, and drinks. She taught them volleyball, which he was sure some of them only liked because they liked to watch her jump and bounce around the court.
    She joined them after playing sports in the hot tub, joking and laughing with them as they became friends. The sports the boys grew up playing were contact sports, which Aiden forbade her from joining in. He also wouldn’t let her play a water-polo-like game in the pool since they would all be unclothed.
    Aiden always stayed in the background watching over the games, never joining in, never intruding. Except the one unfortunate time when the gangly and uncoordinated Nico accidently knocked her down when playing basketball.
    She had skidded along the courtyard, her knee and elbow sustaining the most damage as she came to an ungainly sprawl. Aiden jumped up and ran over to her in a second and his eyes turned dark as he assessed the damage. He turned his eyes on Nico and growled. “If you ever harm her again, I am going to rip your arm out of your socket and shove it up your ass.”
    Nico looked like he was going to either puke or piss himself.
    Aiden turned his attention back to

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