    “ Turn. Around .”
    I swallow hard and turn my back to him.
    “Put your hands on the wall.”
    My breathing accelerates at the tone of his
voice. It’s that voice. I drop my clutch on the couch next
to me, place my palms on the wall, and wait.
    “Legs. Spread ‘em.”
    I shuffle my feet apart until he tells me to
stop. My body trembles with uncertainty. What’s he going to do to
me? It’s quiet. He doesn’t make a sound, but I can feel him getting
closer. He stops behind me, his body flush against mine.
    “What did I tell you?” He growls in my
    A shiver runs through my body. “About
    He grabs my ass, squeezing the cheek as his
breaths come hard and heavy in my ear.
    “Tell me why I shouldn’t flay your ass right
    “What did I do?”
    “First, you show off your sweet little body
in that dress, and then you let some fucker touch what’s mine.”
    Dios mio . I knew it.
    “Gage –”
    He smacks the words right back down my
throat. I cry out, more from shock than pain. He’s threatened me
before, but I never thought he was serious. Does he really think
he’s going to spank me? His palm crashes into my other cheek. My
ass stings as if he’d met bare flesh.
    “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I
rub my cheeks, trying to soothe them.
    “Don’t. Move.”
    Damn him and that fucking voice! I
place my hands back on the wall and he slaps me across the backs of
both thighs.
    “¡ Puta madre !”
    He leans in, his lips at my ear once more.
“Let’s get this straight. You…are mine . You pull some shit
like that again, I’ll use something worse than my hands.”
    “I was about to push him away –”
    “But you didn’t.”
    “Jesus! Why are you so jealous?”
    “Jealousy is envy of others’ possessions. I’m
protecting what’s mine.”
    He grabs my wrist and spins me around to face
him. There’s fury in his eyes, but my eyes aren’t focusing
on that. His hair is combed, he’s freshly shaved, and he’s wearing
slacks and a white, long-sleeved dress shirt. Baby, teenaged,
and adult Jesus.
    “Fuck…you look…” What’s the word to use?
Damn. “...yummy.”
    I slide my fingers down his chest and feel
his body relax. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulls me against
him, and crushes my lips beneath his. He picks me up and takes me
to his desk as his tongue unleashes a tornado of sensations on my
body. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him to me, moaning as his
hard dick connects with my pussy. One hand squeezes my thigh while
the other fists in my hair. He trails kisses down my neck, lightly
sucking at the base.
    “Oh, God. I need you, Gage.”
    He sinks his teeth into my shoulder with a
growl. “Who do you belong to?”
    “You! I’m yours.”
    “Never forget it.”
    He plunders my mouth once more, and I whimper
helplessly. I reach down and he groans as I run my fingers down his
bulge. I grip it and for a second wonder how I’m going to manage
all of it. The next second, I desperately want to find out. I tug
at his belt, but he steps out of my reach. He drags his hand over
his face and turns his back to me. Once again, he’s shot me
    “You know what? I’m done,” I state
    He spins around, forehead scrunched in
    “The fuck does that mean?”
    “It means I’m not begging anymore. From now
on, I decide if or when we have sex.”
    “Yes…if. Pretty soon, you’ll be the
one begging me .”
    His lips curl up in amusement and he places
his hands on his hips.
    “Is that so?”
    “Yes, Mr. Hunter. Exactly so.”
    He steps closer, and I try my best to look
disinterested. I hope I’m succeeding.
    “There are no ifs, buts or maybes, Miss
Alvarez. When the clock strikes midnight on your birthday, I will
be inside you.”
    Fuck. “We’ll see about that.”
    “Yes, we will. Have you been taking your
    “Why the hell not?”
    “Next week. Dr. E said it becomes effective
immediately if I

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