Deadly to Love

Free Deadly to Love by Mia Hoddell

Book: Deadly to Love by Mia Hoddell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Hoddell
heart about not beating him to a pulp? Even if you could, that is.”
    He snorted a false laugh and I regretted saying anything that could be interpreted as a challenge. Ian always had to run into things head first if challenged and would never back down.
    “Of course not, just trying to find a reason to do it even more.”
    I was instantly thankful I hadn’t told him about our recent argument. Even though I knew Kai would be able to take on Ian easily, I didn’t like the idea of anyone fighting for me.
    “I think I prefer silence,” I said, making it clear he had crossed a line and I was no longer in a receptive mood.
    We sat through the rest of the lesson in silence. I caught him looking over at me every now and then but other than that he seemed to really be trying. He was no where near making up for what he did to me but at least it was a start. All too slowly the lesson ended finally and I headed out the building to meet up with Chloe before catching the bus to go home. There was no way I would have been able to keep Ian’s change of heart from her so on the bus ride home I told her everything and like me she was instantly suspicious but let it drop when she saw my mood.
    When the bus reached Chloe’s house she simply got up saying, “remember what I said about Kai,” before she walked off the bus without the usual hug and smile.
    Sighing I stayed on the bus until my stop and when I reached my house I trudged to my room, nervous about what I would or wouldn’t find on my iPod. I needn’t have bothered though because as I switched the screen on there was nothing other than a notification about an email from an online clothing shop I like.
    I went about the rest of the day doing an essay I had been set in history and watching T.V, while I tried not to think about Kai. My bitter mood didn’t go unnoticed by my parents when they got home but thankfully they didn’t try to delve too deep into the reasons behind it. They had never been pushy and as much as I fell out with them, they always knew when not to pry. I would tell them when I was ready but right then, I wasn’t in the mood to explain to them about Ian or my new boyfriend who I had had a fight with.
    I had just finished eating and was going to go and find a DVD to play when my iPod let out a series of low volume beeps, telling me I was getting messages sent to me. Not wanting to appear desperate I let the iPod continue to stack up the notifications, refusing to go running whenever Kai decided to talk.
    It wasn’t until after my film did I decide he had waited long enough and went to check out what he had said.
    Kai: Serena?
    Kai: You going to talk to me today?
    Kai: I’m sorry Rea :( I overreacted, I didn’t mean what I said.
    Kai: Rea please...I really am sorry
    Kai: OK you don’t have to talk to me, just log onto the game we met on, please?
    Sighing I logged into the instant messenger to see that he was still online waiting for me. I knew this because as soon as I signed in a window popped up on my screen with a few apologetic messages.
    Darcie<3: If you want to explain go ahead.
    It was the only message I sent, knowing it was cold, but he started this and until I was happy I was going to continue the bitch routine.
    Kai: Explain which bit?
    Darcie<3: Whatever you feel needs explaining...
    His answer irritated me, he already knew how I felt and what I wanted to know yet he refused to just say it.
    Kai: I was in a bad mood yesterday, some stuff to do with my job which I can’t explain happened and it wound me up. I took it out on you and that wasn’t fair, I’m sorry.
    Darcie<3: It’s not good enough Kai, you can’t just flip out and have a go at me for asking questions. Give me a reason why I shouldn’t leave you because honestly, I can’t handle anymore lies.
    Kai: Go look at the game we met on before you make a decision.
    Sighing I logged onto the game, not aware that Kai was expecting a reply.
    Kai: Please?
    Darcie<3: I’m on it. Hang

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