Unbreak Me

Free Unbreak Me by Julieanne Lynch

Book: Unbreak Me by Julieanne Lynch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julieanne Lynch
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
understand the true meaning of life. The desire for love—to be loved. Knowing that for both of them, this may be the one time in their lives to prove that they were entitled to the freedom of falling in love, they grabbed it with both hands and refused to let it slip away.
    “I think I’m falling for you in a big way,” Connor whispered as he rubbed the tip of his nose against Molly’s.
    Molly gazed up into his green eyes, melting into him. How could she not? Connor had fast become the only man to ever get in under her skin. To see the vulnerable, yet strong woman hiding under those layers. She had exposed her very core to him and there was no turning back now.
    Molly took a quick glance around and smirked as she broke from their embrace. Lifting the white shirt over her head, she threw it aside before taking off her jeans, standing in front of Connor in her underwear.
    Molly knew Connor couldn’t hide his arousal. She loved taking control. Unhooking her bra, Molly dangled it midair before she threw it at him, laughing as he caught it mid-air, only for him to drop it onto the sand before pulling off his shirt, revealing his toned chest.
    Molly stood almost naked in front of him and enjoyed the risk of exposure, which was beginning to turn her on more than she thought it would.
    Connor dropped his slacks onto the sand, with only his briefs shielding his now-evident excitement. Molly smiled when she saw the desire burning in his eyes. Finally, after a little hesitation, she removed her panties, gazing over at him looking coy, yet sexy.
    “What are you doing to me?” Connor muttered as he too removed the last remaining piece of clothing. Both of them were naked, standing mere inches apart, staring as if they were only seeing each other for the first time. But before Connor could touch her, Molly turned her back on him and ran into the water, diving down into the warm crispness of the sea.
    Connor followed her in but stood waist high in the water, waiting for her to resurface. A smile spread across his face as her hand brushed against his thigh. His eyes glistened as she emerged from below the surface, her gaze intense. Grabbing him, Molly kissed him. She threaded her wet fingers through his hair, pressing her breasts against his chest.
    Connor didn’t waste any time in responding. Connor squeezed her breasts hard. Molly let out a little moan before gently biting into his shoulder, her breath ragged against him as her nipples hardened under his touch. Moving her hand down to cup his erection, she kissed him, sliding her tongue inside his mouth, letting him taste her desire. Connor moaned into her mouth as she began stroking him, making his hips jerk forward from the touch of her hand.
    Molly ached for him with a need she couldn’t quite get her head around. She let all her inhibitions go when she wrapped a leg around his waist, never breaking the momentum between strokes as Connor cupped her buttocks, supporting her.
    Hard and rigid, Connor’s cock twitched in her hand. His gasps made her throb for him. “I want you in me,” she muttered as her own arousal became too much to contain.
    Using her hand, she guided him inside her as he pushed down on her ass, steadying her as she let out a soft moan in his ear.
    Molly was confident that if anyone had been watching, they would look like an embracing couple, but beneath the water Connor’s hips slowly began to thrust in and out of Molly. Their breathing was heavy with every penetrating thrust as Molly rode his shaft.
    The heat began to build deep inside her as the first wave of the orgasm began to take over. Feverish, Molly cried out as Connor pounded her, tilting her head back as the climax shot through her body, leaving her gasping. The spasms gripped tight around Connor’s cock.
    The sweet combination of their building orgasms merged together. The surge began to increase, bubbling, tingling, until finally neither could hold back anymore. Wild like beasts, they gazed

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