In Deep Shitake (A Humorous Romantic Suspense)

Free In Deep Shitake (A Humorous Romantic Suspense) by Patricia Mason

Book: In Deep Shitake (A Humorous Romantic Suspense) by Patricia Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Mason
battle wounds, which consisted of scraped knuckles and a small cut at the temple.
    Ross glanced up when Mo entered.
    “He hasn't come back,” Mo said.
    “Brilliant. Regrettably we didn’t get his license plate number.” Ross winced slightly as Mrs. Nelson poured antiseptic on the scrapes on his right palm. “And where are those bloody police.”
    “Oh, I didn’t really call them,” Mrs. Nelson said abashedly.
    Ross grimaced when Mrs. Nelson applied antiseptic to the cut at his temple.
    “I’m sorry,” Mrs. Nelson said.
    Ross waved the apology as unnecessary. "Probably just as well. I don't need publicity—any publicity—right now.
     Ross tapped his fingers on the table in seeming impatience to be out of that chair. Ross frowned at Mo and stood.
    “I’m all right," he said. "You really should apply some of that antiseptic to Ms. Tuttle’s scraped legs. And she needs to put ice on her jaw to keep the swelling down.”
    Mo had already used the antiseptic on her own cuts. Nevertheless, his concern would have been sweet if he didn’t have an ulterior motive. No. That thought was mean. After all, hadn’t Ross run full force into combat, and risked not only his multi-million dollar face but also his life, to save her? Mo felt her chest constrict and her eyes tear.
    Whoa! Don’t go there, Mo . If she started thinking that way, the next thing she knew she’d be kissing the gorgeous jerk senseless and where would that get her? Setting aside the obvious answer—which was much too tempting at this point— Mo knew she had to turn these sentimental emotions around immediately. Time to make a cutting remark.
    "Would you like some ice?" Mrs. Nelson asked.
    “Don’t mind me.” Mo walked to the refrigerator. "I can get it myself." She extracted some ice from the freezer, placed it in a kitchen towel that had been lying on the counter, she applied the package to her face.
    She turned back Mrs. Nelson to continue, “I’ll be just fine. After all, he's the royal celebrity. We wouldn’t want him to lose his looks.”
    Ross’s jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed. He'd apparently caught her insinuation that his looks were all he had going for him and she felt a twinge of guilt.
    “Look Ross, I’m sorry—”
    “I suppose you also think I should have been able to knock that thug down with a few well placed karate chops interspersed with jumps that are physically impossible without the aid of cables and trick photography. Unfortunately, I’m not Stephen Dagger.”
    “I know—”
    “But you wish I was. The famous super spy would have saved the day without breaking a sweat. Isn’t that so?”
    “I don’t…” This argument had spiraled way out of Mo’s control. Ross had read too much into her comment. Well, she’d wanted to alienate him to avoid surrendering to temptation. And she’d done a great job of it. Now Mo realized it was the last thing she really wanted. “I don’t wish you were…I mean I thought you were fantastic—”
    “And just what did Ms. Tuttle do to incite that altercation, may I ask?” Ross's tone was supercilious.
    “Wait just a minute. Are you saying that attack was my fault?” Mo advanced on the jerk and then stood on tiptoes to stare him in the face. “I don’t know who that guy was. I’ve never seen him before today.”
    “Obviously, he perceived your natural charm from afar then. Because he certainly knew you.”
    “You gumball! Maybe I do wish Stephen Dagger was here.” She stretched up as far as she could get, hoping for an intimidating stance. “Your character was certainly more gallant than the real you. The real you is a complete and total cheese puff. Yeah, right now if I had my choice I would much rather be here with Stephen Dagger than Ross Grant.”
    “Be careful what you wish for, honey,” Mrs. Nelson piped in. “Look at me. I wished my marriage was more exciting. I certainly got my wish.”
    The three of them fell silent as a car door slammed outside. Was

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