To Risks Unknown

Free To Risks Unknown by Douglas Reeman

Book: To Risks Unknown by Douglas Reeman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Douglas Reeman
midway between Sicily and the African shore.
    â€˜Now, as some of you know, there are three Italian islands here. The biggest is Pantelleria, which Mussolini in all his wisdom chooses to call the Italian Gibraltar. The others, Lampedusa and Linosa, are important, but without the main one’s support will not give too much trouble.’ He looked round the intent faces. ‘If the Sicilian invasion is going to work first time, as it must, our chaps will have to be given round-the-clock fighter cover. On the approaches, over the beaches, and right up to the time the jolly old pongos can capture a few airfields for themselves.’ Here he shot the two soldiers a beaming smile, and Crespin saw the major reply with a dour twitch of the lips which might have meant agreement or irritation.
    But Scarlett was warming to his theme, and Crespin could see little beads of sweat running down his cheek as he added, ‘Pantelleria has just the airfields we need, but more than that, if we don’t take them
Operation Husky begins then Jerry can use this base just as we used Malta against him. In fact, it seems unlikely that our people could cope. I am informed by the C.-in-C. that an all-out sea attack will be made on Pantelleria on June 11th, and the R.A.F. is already doing a bit of softening up in that direction. However, the island is a real fortress in every sense of the word, and there is always the chance that it might be able to hold out, just as Malta did.’
    He took a sharp breath. ‘This is where we come in. Before the final assault on Pantelleria, or Operation Corkscrew as it is officially to be known, we are going to carry out a party of our own!’
    Crespin glanced at the others. It was amazing the way Scarlett bandied around items of secret information. Either he was as confident as he sounded, or he had great faith in security arrangements. He saw Wemyss staring at the chart, his mind obviously busy with the problems of navigation and making a safe approach. Porteous was craning over his shoulder, his expression just a bit too intent and serious, like one who has hardly understood a word but is certain that others will explain it later on. Shannon was watching Scarlett, his shoulders straight and firm as if he was on parade or facing an enemy broadside. His eyes were very bright, and Crespin felt that Shannon wanted to show that he at least was ready to follow Scarlett to the end if so required. The two soldiers on the other hand seemed almost disinterested. Their task obviously started only if the Navy played its part first.
    Scarlett had his hands firmly on his hips as he said, ‘This ship will make an approach from the north-east and will cover a landing party under Major Barnaby. He will have thirty men, each one an expert in his trade, and his mission will be to blow up the fresh-water reservoir on that side of the island. Without water in bulk the garrison in Pantelleria will be less inclined to put up a long resistance, and, furthermore, as the reservoir is under the guard of German troops, its destruction will make the Italians less inclined to knuckle under the Jerry command when we put the pressure on.’ He flashed a smile around him. ‘Any questions?’
    Wemyss looked up from the chart. ‘It’s a difficult approach, sir. If they’ve got a good radar unit we will be clobbered before we get within a mile of the place.’
    Scarlett looked at him searchingly. ‘Good point, Number One. But the island’s radar is not too hot from all accounts, and is directed mainly towards the south. The part where we will be working is well protected by high cliffs and shallows. The enemy seems to think it safe enough from his point of view.’
    Wemyss said doggedly, ‘But if he
got good radar there, sir?’
    â€˜Well, we shall just have to make the best of it.’
    Scarlett turned away from Wemyss and asked, ‘Anything else?’
    Crespin said

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