The Angels' Share

Free The Angels' Share by Maya Hess

Book: The Angels' Share by Maya Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Hess
cock, I again felt the heat of his mouth between my legs except this time his tongue was delving high inside me. Every push he made somehow urged his cock deeper down my throat until I was massaging him with the softest, innermost part of my mouth. If I couldn’t prise information about Kinrade from him, then I could at least use him to relieve my fantasy-fuelled condition.
    But however hard I tried, first filling my mouth and then my sex as I turned and lowered my freshly primed pussy onto his near vertical erection, I didn’t like it that I had been tricked by a mere employee of Ethan Kinrade, especially when the stakes were so high. I felt him pulse inside me as I spoke.
    ‘You’re a damn liar and fraud, Dominic whoever-you-are, and you deserve to be left tied to this bed until the maid finds you.’ I leaned forward and dug my nails into his muscle-bound shoulders and in response he bucked as high as his pelvis would allow. Shockwaves as bright as lasers needled through me so I ground myself onto him to build up the waves that precede an orgasm. I didn’t care if he was approaching a climax or not although, judging by the thickness of him inside me and the clenched expression stretched across his face, I took a guess that he wasn’t far away.
    ‘You could be the maid,’ he said in jerky syllables. ‘The current one is leaving so…Mr Kinrade…’ – he paused and breathed heavily, thrusting beneath me – ‘Mr Kinrade is going to need another one.’
    I didn’t care about maids and, at that moment, I didn’t care about Ethan Kinrade either. I sat bolt upright, arched my back and closed my eyes as the signs of inescapable orgasm began. The tension in my sex increased until I was forced to hold perfectly still, as if trapped in the eye of a tornado, until the crashing tide plundered my mind and body and I was thrown into euphoria by Dominic’s insistent cock. Even when I had come, and I know he felt my contractions because he moaned in rhythm, he continued to pound inside me. Within thirty seconds, another string of waves washed through me and Dominic, still pumping hard, burst open inside me and I swear that I felt seven or eight hot jets fire into my core.
    I dropped forward onto his panting body and then rolled off. I laughed. ‘We could do with a maid to clear up this mess,’ I joked, remembering his pre-come comment. I dipped my fingers in the mixture of juice and semen ladled over his groin. ‘She could lap it all up for us,’ I said naughtily.
    ‘If you take the job then you can begin work right away,’ he said and I knew he was serious by the deep tone of his voice, although he did wink playfully. I raised an eyebrow. It was a possibility. It would allow me to snoop around the house freely and get me into the very core of Kinrade’s stolen domain. Plus, I would have a source of income until I claimed my rightful inheritance.
    ‘OK, I accept,’ I said with a grin. ‘But won’t Mr Kinrade need to interview me himself?’
    ‘He trusts me completely,’ Dominic replied. ‘Besides, I think I’ve seen enough of you to know that he’d consider you perfect for the job. When can you start?’
    ‘How about right now?’ I teased, thoroughly pleased with myself for having turned around what could have been – aside from the quenching of my desire for sex with a stranger – a rather fruitless day.
    Then, as I plunged my face onto his semi-hard cock, dutifully cleaning up the mess as any good maid would, I realised that I was on the brink of unleashing too many fantasies all at once. Perhaps it was the sea air, or the no-risk feeling of being away from my home in Spain. Whatever it was, I found myself aroused again by the thought of the evening ahead at the cliff top cottage with Lewis and Elizabeth. But for now I concentrated on my role of maid and did a superlative job of cleaning up Dominic the gardener.
    It wasn’t until much later, when I was tucking into Lewis’s superb dinner, that I

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