Always Beautiful

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Book: Always Beautiful by M.K Oien Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.K Oien
caused me to feel drawn to him, but at least I now knew that he wasn’t the type of guy to take advantage of me.
    We went back out to the party, acting as if nothing of consequence happened between the two of us. It seemed no one had paid any attention to our whereabouts as they continued with beer pong and dancing to the music in the living room. I spotted Hannah, standing with Josh and talking to a guy I didn’t know. Giving Zeppelin a small smile, I wandered over to my best friend while he jumped into a conversation with Dixon and Tucker.
    “Where did you go?” Hannah wondered as she looked me up and down. I shrugged casually and replied, “I just went to my room for a few minutes.” Her eyes widened and she looped her arm with mine, walking us away and toward the kitchen. She rummaged through the fridge for new drinks and handed me one before saying, “Spill it!” I shook my head and let out a sigh.
    “I thought I wanted to be alone with Zeppelin.” I said quietly. “I kissed him and then invited him back to my room. We made out a little, but I just couldn’t take it any further.” “He was okay with that?” She asked, tilting a brow up. “Yeah, he was actually really nice about it.” Hannah nodded. “Well there will be plenty of other guys I am sure.” I shook my head. “I’m not going to look to hook up Hannah. I told you, I know I need to lighten up a bit, but hooking up just isn’t my thing.” She shot me a glare. “Not that it’s a bad thing.” I quickly back pedaled my statement. I didn’t judge my friend for her choices, but it just wasn’t me. I told her as much.
    “I get it Lucky. I just don’t want to see you so wrapped up in school and your career just to become a lonely old cat lady.” Hannah said with a smile. I rolled my eyes. “I’m not going to be a cat lady.” I said. Hannah shrugged. “I sure as hell hope not. I’m proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone though. Book smarts are no good to you if you don’t also have a little bit of street smarts.” She said. I nodded in agreement. I didn’t want to be naïve to things in the world, but I also didn’t want to experience everything either. “I like Zeppelin. I’ll just take it a day at a time and see how it goes.” I said. Hannah raised her bottle to mine and they clinked together. “Here’s to an easy going Lucky.” She smirked.

Chapter 5
    ~Present Day~
    I touched my fingers to my lips as I recalled that first night at Dixon’s house after the fight. I had acted out completely unlike what I was accustomed to. I wasn’t ashamed though. I firmly believe, now more than I did then, that there can be a special connection with someone. It doesn’t matter if you’ve known them for five years or five minutes. That’s how it started with Zeppelin and me. We were like moths to each other’s flames. It began as something lust filled, an attraction, that spark of electricity.
    People say that relationships starting on that can go nowhere. It’s been said that acting upon your urges in a quick manner isn’t appropriate. But if it hadn’t been for that night, watching Zeppelin fight, the way he kissed me for the first time. If we hadn’t acted on our feelings, living in the moment, then I may have never known him or grown so close to him eventually. I would have never experienced all of the amazing firsts. I wouldn’t have learned to trust a stranger and bare my heart and soul.
    Call it being young and irresponsible. Judge me for holding on to something like my virginity for dear life and being cautious for twenty one years, only to possibly throw it all away for a man I hardly knew. It doesn’t bother me what people thought about Zeppelin’s and my relationship. It was deep, it was hot, it was intoxicating and captivating. It was nothing I ever expected and everything I ever needed.
    More tears began to spill from my eyes, falling on to the black dress that I wore. I took a deep breath in

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