Always Beautiful

Free Always Beautiful by M.K Oien

Book: Always Beautiful by M.K Oien Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.K Oien
be coherent when I was around Zeppelin. He made me only see him. He made me want to be reckless. I was in virgin territory in more ways than one with this entire situation, but that didn’t stop me from saying what I did next.
    “Do you want to come to my room?” I asked as I leaned my head closer to his again. I placed a soft kiss on his lips and met his blazing blue eyes again. “Do you want me to come to your room Lucky?” Zeppelin asked. His hand rose and he trailed a finger along my collar bone. I nodded slowly. He raised a brow, gazing at me as his finger slid across my skin lightly. It made my whole body shudder and my heart race. “Well then I can’t refuse you of what you want.” He said softly. “No.” I breathed. Zeppelin smirked and removed his hand, placing it in mine. “Lead the way Angel.”
    Chapter 4
    ~June 2012~
    I pulled Zeppelin along with me as we wandered down the hall to my bedroom. My stomach filled with butterflies. I wasn’t sure what I was doing or why, but I knew that I wanted it, wanted him. I opened my door and let go of Zeppelin’s hand, turning to close and lock it behind him. I didn’t bother turning on the light as I stepped closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He immediately grasped my hips and pulled me into him.
    As soon as our lips touched, my heart leapt into my throat and my blood warmed. Zeppelin traced my bottom lip with his tongue before entering my eager mouth. Turning my body, he walked me backward until I felt my mattress behind my knees. His hands released me and slid down to the back of my thighs. He hoisted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. Carefully, he kneeled on the bed with one leg and began guiding my body back. As soon as my back touched the mattress, his lips traveled across my cheek and down to my neck. He slid his tongue along my skin as one of his hands roamed underneath my top. He felt like fire against my belly as he inched his way closer to my chest. I could feel my nipples harden as he slowly made his way to the lace of my bra.
    I tightened my legs around his waist. I could feel his hardness against my core and moaned as he pressed into me. His hand slid over my breast and he began to massage it gently as he nibbled along my neck. My hand trembled as it ran down his shoulder and across his strong chest. I felt the cold metal of the barbell in his nipple and swept my thumb across it. Zeppelin sucked in a breath. I stopped moving my hand and tensed. Pulling back, his burning gaze locked on to me.
    “What’s the matter?” His rough voice asked. “Did I hurt you?” I wondered. Zeppelin let his tongue slide along his lower lip before biting it, trying to hide a smile. He shook his head slowly. “No baby. That definitely didn’t hurt.” He said. “Oh.” I said quietly and smiled nervously. Zeppelin brushed my hair back and leaned in to kiss me. “You can’t do anything to hurt me.” He spoke between kisses. “In fact,” He added before kissing me again. “I don’t mind if you hurt me a little.” He drew my bottom lip between his teeth and bit down gently before tugging. I whimpered and squeezed my thighs against his hips.
    He pulled back to look at me again, smirking. “Like that Angel. You can bite me if you want.” He leaned down and kissed me and pulled back again. His hand moved to my shoulder and he gently scraped his fingers down my arm, causing me to shiver, but it didn’t hurt. “You can scratch me if you want.” He whispered. He picked up my hand and placed it back on his chest, moving my thumb with his along the barbell again. He sucked in a breath again and groaned, pressing himself into me. “You can touch me if you want.” He said breathlessly. I nodded and went back to running my thumb against the piercing as he bent down to kiss me again.
    One of his hands cupped the side of my face as his mouth moved against mine intensely. His other hand traveled down the front of my body

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