I'll See You In Your Dreams

Free I'll See You In Your Dreams by Tony Miller

Book: I'll See You In Your Dreams by Tony Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Miller
Lady Anne Blunt,” and she gave a short bow. Hannah gave a hesitant small bow in return. “I have traveled here with my husband Lord Blunt to offer you a job on our large and growing Arabian horse breeding farm. We will, of course, provide housing and an education for your son.” She stopped speaking and waited for Hannah’s reply.
    The two women stood silently looking at each other. Finally, a tear rolled down Hannah’s cheek. Lady Blunt’s eyes filled with tears. Still they stood for another moment, and as tears flowed down their cheeks, Lady Blunt opened her arms, and Hannah stepped into them. She embraced Hannah with warmth and affection. When they parted she looked into Hannah’s eyes and said with tenderness, “that was from your mother who loves you very much.” 
    Hannah went into her arms once more and sobbed as though releasing the hurt and loneliness of the last few years. She finally had hope for her son and herself.
    Once again they parted, and Lady Blunt enquired with a smile on her face, “So, do we have a deal or not?”
    “Deal,” Hannah replied with a huge smile and a radiance not seen in years.
    “I will send a carriage and servants to move you to Crabbet Park in two weeks.”
    Two weeks later they were settled into a three-room cottage with a small garden at Crabbet Park. It seemed like a mansion to Hannah and Colton.
    Hannah worked enthusiastically with the horses around the farm. She loved every minute. Colton spent all his free time at the barn or corrals. When he wasn’t with the tutor whom Lady Anne had hired for all the children of the workers at the farm, he was with the horses.
    In 1896 Colton was nineteen-years-old. His basic education was finished, and he had acquired horsemanship skills second to none. Hannah had met a prosperous merchant and aristocrat and was soon to be married. He was such a prosperous merchant, with land holdings, a limestone and chalk quarry, and farms, that Margareta had finally told Haldor of their daughter’s success.
    Haldor had decided to forgive his daughter and was planning to attend the wedding with Margareta. Hannah was so happy and fulfilled that she simply forgave her father for her mother’s sake.
    The wedding was a noble affair, the largest ever held in Sussex. Hannah became the wife of Henry Charles Lennox, third Duke of Gordon and soon to be eighth Duke of Richmond. Now that his mother would be safely cared for by a Duke, it freed him to pursue a dream and make a tough decision.
    With such ample resources, Colton now had great opportunities. He could virtually pick any profession or employment pursuit and achieve it. Henry’s contacts would open most any door. He knew what he had to do. He needed to make it on his own. He was going to America.
    Colton arrived at Ellis Island in 1896 at age nineteen. He made his way through all the red tape and examinations by various doctors.
    He finally walked the streets of New York and was in awe of the hustle and bustle and excitement that filled the air. It was a city of hope. He found a room and paid for it from the small pouch given to him by his mother. She’d told him that her mother had given it to her when she left home. She had used little of the money as she had found employment quickly. The gold coins had increased in value, and she was sure Colton could cover travel expenses and overhead for a year or two.
    Colton spent a month in New York. He talked to everyone he could and considered every possible opportunity to make his own way and seek his fortune.
    One day Colton sat on a bench at New York Harbor eating lunch. It was a beautiful sunny day, and he was intrigued watching a fisherman unload his catch. As he sat pondering a fisherman’s life and possible earnings, a gentleman sat on the same bench and began to eat his lunch. They both watched the fisherman.
    “What a beautiful day and a beautiful harbor,” Colton said, as if to himself, but

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