Grave Designs

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Book: Grave Designs by Michael A. Kahn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael A. Kahn
“Here,” she said, handing it to me.
    I found the entry for Canaan. Just two definitions. No mention of Canaan, Massachusetts.
    â€œHelen, could you see who might have borrowed Graham’s dictionary? It could be important.”
    â€œI’ll ask around.” She paused. “But be careful, Rachel. I have a feeling you could find out more about Mr. Marshall than either of us wants to know.”
    â€œI’m afraid I already have,” I said to her just as Benny Goldberg strolled in.
    â€œGreetings and salutations, Mrs. Marston,” he said.
    Helen nodded curtly at him and walked out.
    Benny waited until she was out of earshot and then, gesturing with his head in her direction, said, “She’s one of my biggest fans. All I have to do is smile at her and her colon goes into vapor-lock for a week.” He closed the door and sat down behind the desk. He had left his suit jacket back in his office. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, and the shirttail was hanging out of the back of his pants. “ Nu? What’s happening with you and Captain Kink’s little pet?”
    â€œTake a look at this.” I tossed him the photocopied computer printout and explained how Helen Marston found it.
    â€œLooks like a code.” He studied the numbers and letters. “I don’t recognize the pattern. Checking account? License plates? Beats the shit out of me, Rachel.”
    â€œThis whole thing is getting strange,” I said. “And now Marshall’s dictionary is missing. The one with the extra definition for Canaan. Someone borrowed it, or just took it. Helen is going to try to track it down. Say, aren’t you supposed to be in a deposition? Wasn’t it this morning?”
    â€œOy, what a disaster. The other lawyer was a cretin. The deposition lasted only ten minutes before he stormed out with his client.”
    â€œWhat happened?”
    â€œHe tells the witness not to answer one of my questions. So I turn to the witness and explain that under the rules of procedure he can decide whether or not to follow his lawyer’s instruction not to answer my question.”
    â€œThat’s proper,” I said.
    â€œWait. So then I say to the witness, it’s up to you. You decide whether you want to answer my question or whether you’d prefer to follow the advice of that colostomy bag you call your lawyer. Well, his lawyer went ape-shit. He screams at me, I yell back at him, and then he stomps out of the deposition with his client.”
    â€œWho’s the partner on the case?” I asked.
    â€œDon’t ask. Kent Charles. He was real pleased when I reported it all to him.” Benny rolled his eyes. “This place is driving me nuts.” He took a pack of Life Savers out of his shirt pocket and offered me one.
    â€œNo, thanks.”
    â€œI gotta go over to the public library this afternoon,” he said, crunching on his candy. “One of the Bottles and Cans plaintiffs filed a new claim. Listen to this: copyright infringement. They’re pissed about some advertising materials some of our clients allegedly copied.”
    â€œCopyright?” I said. “God, that case is the Black Hole of litigation.”
    â€œNo kidding. Anyway, I’m going to the library to find the magazine ads they base their copyright claim on. While I’m there, I’m gonna see what I can dig up on Canaan, Massachusetts. It’s got me a little curious. I’ll just bill the time to Bottles and Cans. No one will ever know the difference.”
    â€œThanks, Benny. I kind of doubt that some seventeenth-century Puritan village has anything to do with Marshall’s pet. But I’m curious about it, anyway.”
    There was a shout from the other side of the door. “Out of my way, grandma!”
    The door flew open and Maggie Sullivan stomped into the office, red-faced and angry. “Listen, you,” she started,

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