
Free Neighbors by Ashleigh Royce

Book: Neighbors by Ashleigh Royce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashleigh Royce
this relationship is starting then the one I had come out of. Greg never cuddled, not even before we got married. He’d never watch television with me or ask about my day. Instead, he’d go on and on about how he used his amazing-ness to save many, many humans who were under his care. Man, I’m glad Dylan isn’t selfish like that.
    During commercials Dylan and I share more about things we like and don’t like. Even though I have only known him for a few short days, I now know more about him than I ever did about Greg. I’m comfortable with him, and he seems comfortable with me. I’d never had this kind of perfection before, not with any of the guys I dated, and certainly not with Greg.
    My paranoia is back to sabotage it. What’s wrong with him? I bet he has some dark secret he isn’t sharing. Once you find out, you’ll have to move because you won’t be able to look at him.

    Thursday morning, I wa ke up in my own bed. It feels lonely without Dylan next to me, but I remember that I told him I needed to get one good night’s sleep. Although reluctant, he agreed. After taking care of the necessities, I start my regular morning routine, but I feel much better than normal.
    “Another interesting night?” Gladys asks over her bifocals.
    My wide smile betrays me. It’s the only hint I offer before I shift to business. “Is Eileen off today?”
    “Yeah. Sandra is on.”
    Sandra is the newest CNA in our rotation. She’s a tall, thin, Asian girl with long, shiny, black hair that stops just above her waist. She always wears it back in a clip at the base of her neck. She doesn’t need make-up because she is naturally stunning, with high cheekbones and large, almond-shaped eyes. Patients adore her bedside manner, particularly the male patients of every age.
    Sandra i s eager to learn, very obedient, and has an uncanny ability to remember everything she’s told. There is no doubt in my mind that she’ll be an incredible nurse one day. Even the doctors love being with Sandra, including my ex-husband, Greg. He finds every opportunity to appear in the ER to flirt with her.
    My thoughts race back to last year. I had run into Greg in the staff cafeteria. I agreed to sit with him so that he’d be more inclined to sign the divorce papers. He’d been giving me a hard time, saying that he didn’t want me to leave him. I knew I couldn’t trust him and it made my skin crawl to be legally bound to such a dirt bag.
    “What is it about her that has ev eryone under her spell?” I asked him.             
    “ She’s a male fantasy,” he said. “You know, a helpless Asian girl, submissive in all aspects, trying to please the dominant male.”
    Sandra walks over to the nurse’s station , breaking my recollection of Greg’s male chauvinistic stupidity. She places her purse in the bottom drawer of my desk. I don’t mind. I actually like Sandra.
    “Good mor ning, Sandra,” Gladys and I say in unison.
    Sandra bows and averts her eyes. “Good morning.” She begins her task immediately. She’s a no nonsense girl.
    The morning proceeds as usual. I read all the charts of the patients that have been admitted to the ER during the night shift and speak with the previous RN so she can bring me up to speed on who is still in the ER. Then I visit each patient and ask if they need anything.
    By lunchtime, everything has quieted down. There are only five patients waiting for test results or to see a specialist.
    “I’m going to run to the ca feteria while it’s slow,” I tell Gladys. “Want anything?”
    “Can you just bring me back a banana? I have yogurt and I need to kill the taste.” She laughs.
    Of course I have to run into Greg while in the cafeteria. The man has an incredible knack for knowing when I’ll be in there, no matter how irregular that is. His broad build and muscular features compliment his handsome face and dark hair. Even the four o’clock

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