Twice Loved

Free Twice Loved by Mari Brown

Book: Twice Loved by Mari Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Brown
straight into his face. He doesn’t stop what he’s doing.
    He continues to suck and bite and nip at me through my panties. This is the most erotic thing I ever felt. I’m going to blow soon.
    He acts like he doesn’t hear me and continues biting and nipping at my clit. It’s too much for me and the first orgasm of the night is ripped out of me. Tate then decides to remove the material separating us. His tongue snakes across my now drenched lips. He begins making licking and slurping sounds. I’m on top of the world especially when two fingers slide in. He curves them up and begins making a “come hither” motion with them. As his tongue continues working my clit. I’m going to lose it again.
    “Oh gawd Tate… only with you… is it like this!”
    I moan those words out as he continues to make love to my pussy with his mouth. There is no rush or hurry. He’s taking his time. He begins building me up again. It’s not going to be long before I’m gushing another orgasm into his mouth directly this time. With one hard suck it happens quickly. My legs tremble and I’m a panting mess. He begins kissing up my body. His erection is soon pressed between us.
    “I’m going to fuck you now.”
    “o… okay.” I answer breathlessly.
    The next morning I wake with Tate’s arms wrapped tight around me. In fact he’s holding me so tight it’s a wonder I can breathe at all. Not complaining though, I love that he holds on to me like he’s afraid to lose me. Maybe subconsciously he knows that I’m not planning to stay. Nothing changed overnight. This was still a one last hoorah for me.
    I would take the memories of last night and add them to my treasure box and pull them out when I was healed enough. Every memory with Tate was one I treasured. I was sometimes consumed with guilt because it seems as if I love Tate more than I did Steve. The thing is you can’t compare the two it’s like comparing apples and oranges. Steve and I had a deep all-consuming love. We were best friends, lovers, parents, caretaker and patient. Steve was that once in a lifetime love. The one who you choose to love no matter if it’s good or bad. We had good times we had bad times. There was comfort in being together.
    Tate made me feel alive. Like I was truly living life. Not just going through the motions. Sure we were friends and lovers. However nothing with Tate was comfortable. There was always something getting me fired up or worked up. I often went back and forth between wanting to kiss him and kick him. I don’t even have the words to do justice to what Tate and I had. He kept me on my toes. I hated to be giving it up, but I had no choice.
    My kids needed a mother more than any other time in their lives. They were priority in my life. I had to focus on them and their needs. Not me and my selfish desires. I slowly begin untangling myself from Tate’s embrace. It’s not easy for several reasons. One it seems every time I move he tightens his grip on me. The other I want to drag this out as long as I can.
    “Babe stop moving…”
    “Babe I got to pee.”
    That’s how I got Tate to let me go finally. I did go into the bathroom after gathering my clothing off the floor where they were carelessly tossed last night. I dress quickly, there is no time to dawdle or he will wake up. I walk out as quietly as I can. Tate is snoring which makes me feel somewhat better. I don’t think I would have the strength to walk away from him again if he was awake. I turn back one last time and give him a bittersweet smile before walking out the door and once again his life.

Chapter Nine
    Two weeks have gone by since I walked out on Tate… again. He tried calling and texting me for a couple of days after but he eventually gave up when he realized that I wasn’t going to answer. The texts still came in at least one a day. Some small something usually a picture or quote. All making it harder to resist him. I just couldn’t it was too

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