Twice Loved

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Book: Twice Loved by Mari Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Brown
hard. Haley has spent the last two weeks yelling at me. She is upset saying I’m throwing away my second chance at happiness.
    “You don’t have to listen to Mae call you a whore, in front of your children.” I snap one day.
    “I don’t give a fuck about that bitch! She’s been evil ever since Steve got sick.”
    I sigh but give her a smile for trying to defend me. She was right Mae did change when Steve’s cancer was discovered. I also could not fault Mae for her feelings about Tate and me. I was a married woman with a dying husband and I had a boyfriend on the side at the time. It was not your normal situation.
    Another memory of my time with Tate while Steve was still alive floats to the surface...
    I sat in my car waiting for Tate and Pete to finish up the car they are working on. I find myself chuckling at the grimaces on each of their faces. They are filing something down I won't even try to pretend to understand what they are doing. But it's comical to watch. I text Haley periodically as I wait.
    I'm kind of bored just sitting here but the promise of going home with Tate tonight makes it worth it. I hired an overnight nurse to be at the house with Steve and my kids were with my parents. I was free, and I was going to let my inner freak fly tonight. The possibilities had me squirming in my seat. My lady parts tingling and throbbing for his touch on them. Yep, it's official I'm hooked on Tate. I don't care what anyone else says. I'm going to enjoy every moment I have with Tate.
    Twenty minutes goes by and I'm still waiting it looks like it's going to take longer than the guys anticipated to fix this car. I wonder when they ate last. With that in mind I pull up the pizza app on my phone and begin placing an order. I'm proud of myself for being thoughtful when it comes to the guys’ needs. Another ten minutes crawls by broken only by the pizza delivery. I tip the driver and head to the shop.
    “Hey guys I got pizza.”
    All eyes are on me, I suddenly feel like the most wanted woman in the world. I know it’s really the pizza that has them salivating but a woman can have her fantasies.
    Tate grabs a slice out of a box taking a huge bite out of it. Umm should eating pizza turn me on? Because it is. Watching his mouth move in circular motions as he chews is making my body heat up.
    “You okay over there princess?”
    Fuck me! Tate knows what I look like when I’m turned on.
    “I'm good.”
    “You sure you look a”
    Oh that prick calling me out like this in front of Pete and the customer waiting. I need to distract myself so I turn to the twenty something man.
    “Help yourself to the pizza.”
    He replies before walking over and grabbing a couple pieces. The guys all busy eating for the moment gives me a chance to sneak off to the bathroom. I need to get my out of control hormones in check. This is ridiculous, I'm a grown ass woman not a randy teenager.
    Tate gives me a knowing smile as I walk back in. I can see they are finishing up the food and getting ready to get back to work on the car. He walks up to me and leans in and whispers so only I can hear, “I want to bend you over the hood of that car and take you hard.”
    Well hot damn let's do it! Yea, it's only a thought but a delicious one.
    “Give me a kiss.” he commands and I lean up touching my lips to his briefly before he turns back to work
    Oh be still my heart I'm in love with this guy. I shouldn’t be but I am and it doesn't even matter why I love him I just do.
    I go back to fiddling on my phone. Playing my gum goo game and texting Haley stupid shit. I almost wish I had papers to grade right now. Anything is better than nothing.
    I pace around the shop for a while to keep myself awake it's eight at night and I'm thankful I have all night to stay with Tate but he's going to be exhausted by the time he's done tonight. Maybe I can talk him into soaking in a hot bath with me that would be relaxing and romantic all in

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