Bed and Breakfast [Bloodkin 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Free Bed and Breakfast [Bloodkin 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Scarlet Hyacinth

Book: Bed and Breakfast [Bloodkin 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Scarlet Hyacinth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth
Tags: Romance
and intimidating. Or perhaps Vane’s presence by his side made him feel so safe.
    They left the mansion grounds and headed out into Clavar. People avoided them, but didn’t look in any way startled out of their daily business, so Moss surmised Vane must be shielding them with a glamour, just like he’d done before. He admitted he understood why Vane did so. They couldn’t possibly have a stroll in downtown Clavar without being gaped at or interrupted.
    As they advanced through the city, Vane showed Moss the most important sights, things Moss had always wanted to see but didn’t have time to find. Since he’d come to Clavar, his only foray into the rich sector of the city was his interview at Vane’s. He’d spent most of his time in the harbor district among grimy sailors, barrels of rum, and sacks of provisions. Taking in the complex realities of Clavar, from both perspectives, made him acknowledge the balance of poor and rich, fortunate and unlucky.
    “I’ve lived and worked here for a few decades now,” Vane said as they walked. “You could say I know the city as the palm of my hand.”
    Moss waited for Vane to add more information about his workplace, but the bloodkin never did. Instead, he stopped and nodded toward a lavish building. “Ah…here is the main Courtesans’ Guild.”
    Moss recalled the people he’d met in Vane’s waiting room. “In such a central area?”
    Vane smiled. “You’d be surprised as to how important courtesans can be, especially for bloodkin. I take it you did not have something like this in Elmya.”
    When Moss shook his head, Vane continued, “In a sense, the Guild represents an idea of balance, or rather order. For us, they should provide willing donors, people who do not have to be seduced to give their blood. Of course, we’re not the only ones who make use of their services. In time, they’ve become quite influential.”
    They’d been arrogant for a reason, then. Moss would have to remember to avoid them. A flash of their dismissive words and glances passed through Moss, and he wondered if he could even compare to their skills. His contract with Vane even excluded sexual contact. How could he possibly please Vane in these circumstances?
    Vane’s voice drew him out of his musings. “Moss?” Moss gave his employer a startled look. “Everything all right?” When Moss just stared at him, Vane frowned and continued, “You’ve been quiet. You haven’t heard a thing I’ve said in the past few minutes, have you?”
    Moss’s face heated, but he couldn’t find it in himself to lie. “I’m just a bit distracted, I suppose. This is all so new.”
    “I know.” Vane took Moss’s hand and kissed it. “No worries. We have plenty of time to know each other. We should go back. It’s getting late.”
    They headed back, with Vane still pointing out the occasional interesting thing. This time, Moss didn’t allow himself to fall into glumness. He just enjoyed his time with Vane, and hated the very moment they entered the mansion.
    “There’s one more thing I want to show you,” Vane said as he abandoned his coat and hat in the hands of a servant. “Follow me.”
    Moss did, wondering what other surprises Vane had in store for him. They left the foyer and went up the stairs. Vane continued speaking as they walked. “Perhaps I acted a bit…oddly yesterday. I’m afraid our arrangement will take some getting used to, for both of us.”
    So this was why Vane had offered to take Moss to see the city. In a sense, Moss felt warm inside at the thoughtfulness. Truth be told, he could see why blood and sex came together for Vane’s people and realized it would be difficult for them to keep to the original thought. He cursed himself for being hasty that first night. Then again, perhaps if he hadn’t pointed out his position on the “bed and breakfast,” Vane would have never hired him.
    “It might,” he replied, “but we’ll find a way to work with it.”
    Vane stopped in

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