Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book Two

Free Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book Two by W.R. Hobbs

Book: Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book Two by W.R. Hobbs Read Free Book Online
Authors: W.R. Hobbs
direct the energy. Although the crystal resonator began generating the vortex, the lack of directional control over the spiraling tachyon field within the giant columnar wave created a feedback in the capacitor.
    “The resulting explosion destroyed Atlantis and created a colossal tsunami. Most of Western Europe, the Mideast and Northern Africa were decimated. This event was chronicled in your planet’s major religions as the Great Flood. The extreme increase in ocean temperature also prematurely ended your last ice age by accelerating the meltdown of the polar ice cap. And to this day a residual disturbance persists in that part of the grid that goes by the name Bermuda Triangle,” Simeon revealed, sitting back down.
    “Just before their fleets returned in 6000 BC, the Ansharians prepared once again to activate a vortex, this time in Egypt. They learned from their first failures and had begun construction of a singular massive structure to act as the directional capacitor which would be activated by an antimatter core fed by the resonated energy from the crystal– the Great Pyramid at Giza. But our forces disabled their fleet, allowing us to retrieve both the resonator and another anti-matter core before the Ansharians could ever make an attempt to manifest the vortex. We have hidden and protected them ever since. Although we have had them for several millennia, we had to wait for one last essential element before we could attempt activating the vortex for own fleet.
    “Won’t the Ansharians simply bring a new resonator with them and activate the vortex after they arrive in order to bring in more ships later?” Ben asked.
    “First, it is unclear if the Ansharians have any resonators left. They reportedly on had two left after we retrieved this one. As far as additional ships are concerned, they only have three more remaining fleets beyond the one we know that is coming through the wormhole. We have recently achieved limited sub space communication ability using the anti-matter cell. So we have a fairly accurate count on their ships.” Cadan informed.
    Using his cane, Akilan labored to his feet.
    “The speed and direction of the tachyon spiral is what enables the space-time vortex to manifest. The control of the spiraling tachyon field cannot be achieved through mechanical means. The bending and refocusing of the light to control the direction of tachyon spin can only be achieved through synchronization with the correct organic vibratory resonance. In other words the directional control of the columnar wave requires an organic tuning vessel.
    “Our mission would be much easier if we were not required to utilize the pyramid. But it remains the only properly aligned structure on the grid that is sufficient. We will use the power core and pyramid to operate as a capacitor. Taon, you will be trained to consciously control your molecular density through the manipulation of your atomic vibrations. Once you learn to achieve the proper vibratory atomic resonance you will be ready to use the resonator to direct the tachyon spin with your conscious thought – a third eye so to speak. This will allow you to project the vortex entrance to the proper coordinates in our sector.”
    As Akilan described the essential nature of Taon’s objective, the hologram rendered a preview of the vortex. From Giza a giant columnar wave blasted from the planet’s surface into space, creating a bright flash that ended the holographic example of a successful activation.
    By the time the holo-table deactivated, Akilan had completed his patient stroll to the main viewer that still displayed an image of the Ansharian spaceport. He looked at the countdown status in the bottom left of the screen:
Initialized: Monday, November 12, 1481
Time Remaining
    “Cadan, switch to the orbital view – its time…”
    The old man’s directive immediately captured everyone’s attention. They all walked over to the viewer near

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