Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light

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Book: Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Johnson
and allowed the Raulno and Reinkar to enter. Once
the ships had landed, Veda and a squadron of guards exited the Raulno. Grigon
stood on the platform and waited before going over to her. Veda smiled as she
looked upon the old birdman.
    “I never thought
I’d see you again,” Veda said as she extended a hand to Grigon.
    He took her hand
with his and cawed. “It’s been a hundred and forty three years since the treaty
was signed. I thought you’d forget by now.”
    “Not to the only
pilot to challenge my foolish brother,” she said as she followed him to the
interior of the base.
    “He was only as
foolish as the Nova he flew in,” Grigon countered. “A pity I didn’t get to face
him the second time around.”
    “It would’ve
been a better way for him to meet death,” Veda said.
    “True,” Grigon
    The two entered
the command center. Brian and Valis worked at the center table when Veda and
Grigon came over. Her guards spread throughout the room.
    “What’s the
situation?” Veda asked.
surrounded on all sides,” Valis said.
    Veda shook her
head. “I don’t see any worry on your face. Why would that be?”
    “As long as
we’re inside the base we’re protected,” Valis explained.
    A moment later
the base shook when the ships outside opened fire. As the bombardment continued
the alert system came on. All the troops within the base took their battle
stations while the pilots scrambled to their mobile suits. All of the ships in
the docking bay fired up their systems.
    “It looks like your
question has been answered,” Brian said.
    “Yes, it has,”
Veda said.

Chapter 11 -
Scattering to the Winds
    While the
bombardment continued, Seles and Mira waited in the docking bay of the base.
Numerous crew members from all the ships ran to their stations onboard them.
Outside, a shield array surrounded the asteroid and bounced the attacks away
harmlessly. The door opened from the interior as Valis and Brian made their way
to the Avoni. They stopped when they reached the pair.
    “It was an honor
serving under you Valis,” Seles said with a salute.
    “As it was for
me,” Mira said, doing likewise.
    Valis saluted
the two before handing each of them a command circlet. “I would’ve rather given
these to you when we had more time,” she said. “But the current situation
prevents such.” She smiled while looking at them. “For over a decade you served
the Avoni and I. You served with honor and dignity far beyond my expectations.
Someday I hope to give you a proper parting ceremony. Thanks for all you’ve
done, and may Kali watch over each of you.”
    “Thanks,” Seles
    “Thank you,”
Mira said.
    Valis looked at
Brian. “I’ll go on ahead. Prep the Mjolnir when you’re ready.”
    She ran into the
Avoni. The base shook from another fierce assault. A dumb look on Brian’s face
broke through the veil he usually wore these days.
    “I really don’t
know what to say,” he said.
    “You’re supposed
to say goodbye,” Mira said while pulling him down for a kiss. She stepped away
and nodded to Seles.
    “And promise us
you’ll return,” Seles said as she kissed him.
    “I will,” he
said. Before stepping on the stairs he turned and saluted them. “Commander
Daevon and lieutenant commander Kein, take care of the Freedom. I entrust
everything to you.” He smiled before running inside. As the ship fired up Seles
and Mira headed for the Freedom.
    “I don’t know
about the name change,” Mira said.
    “You mean how he
called us by our surnames?” Seles asked.
    “It feels
weird,” Mira said.
    “I know, but
wearing an exoskeleton will be weirder,” Seles said. “At least we’re allowed to
wear these.”
    She placed the
circlet with two leaves on her forehead. Mira did the same with her single
leafed circlet. The Avoni pulled out of its dock and floated towards the gate
as they watched the ship they called home leave.
    “Do you think
they’ll be alright?” Mira

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