Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light

Free Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light by Marcus Johnson

Book: Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Johnson
we will not question it. Brian Peterson will
be captured, dead or alive.”
    “I’m glad to
hear it,” Siata said. She noticed the look in Baeron’s eyes. “What is it?”
    “If we bring him
back alive, will the Mylor protect him?” he asked.
    “We will do
everything in our power to ensure his life is not taken,” she said. “That
mistake must never be made again.”
    * *
    Veda watched the
unrest in the streets from the highest window on her estate. Hundreds of guards
had turned the palace grounds into a fortress along with twenty Phase Raknas.
As the sun set she noticed dozens of Lances landing off the edge of the
grounds. One of her commanders ran up to her.
    “We need to
leave soon,” the commander said.
    “I know,” Veda
said. “How are our escape routes?”
    “Most of them
have been cut off,” the commander said.
    “Hmm…” Veda
stood in thought for a moment. Her com beeped. “Who might this be?” she asked
as she turned on the tiny monitor on the device. The split screen of Kivi and
El Kar on their ships’ bridges appeared.
    “We’re here to
rescue you,” Kivi said.
    “Use route N-32
to reach the drop ship,” El Kar instructed.
    “I’m surprised
she sent your ships for this,” Veda said as she signaled to the others to head
    The guards
headed into the underground of Dega Jul while the Raknas took formation and
headed for space.
    “I’ll have to
thank her for that,” Veda said as she followed her guards and officers down
    “You can thank
Brian,” El Kar said. “He was the one pushed her to do it.”
    “Is that right?”
Veda asked.
    “Yeah, he’s
right,” Kivi said.
    * *
    Myden stood in
the courtyard of the royal palace on Kalaidia Prime as night fell. He watched
the ships in space moving about before turning his gaze back to the glowing
city. He closed his eyes and breathed in the fresh air. It’s about time for
everything to happen. He let out a small laugh. Oh how I’ve waited! I’ve
seen the sun set on this world thousands upon thousands of times. For two
thousand years I’ve waited for this day to come! He looked at the
constellation shaped like a butterfly. The time of darkness will end soon
enough. His plan has been set into action and now all the pieces are in place. His
mind quieted as he heard footsteps coming towards him. He turned to see Queen
Celestia join him.
    “I haven’t seen
you much lately,” she said.
    “I’ve been
busy,” Myden said. “With the advent of light I won’t be at your side as often
my lady.”
    “It’s alright
old man,” she said. “If the situation doesn’t change I won’t be here much
longer either.”
    “So Jabril’s
called for your expertise?” the Grey asked.
    “Of course she
would,” Celestia said. “The other nobles are neutral on the matter and refuse to
get involved. But if the queen raises her blade they’ll be forced to act or
lose more credibility amongst the populace.”
    Myden laughed.
“In other words, their taxes will be raised again?”
    “That’s exactly
it,” she said. “Too many of the noble families wasted away their wealth when
they had power. When commerce opened up their ability as merchants left a lot
to be desired.”
    “Fools who claim
wealth as their birthright know little on how to maintain it,” Myden said.
“That was a truth when my people were free.”
    “They will be
free again someday,” she said.
    “The path is
being paved today,” he said. “But are you sure about getting involved? Your
life here has been peaceful.”
    Celestia smiled.
“What you say may be true. But remember Myden, I was the one who led my people
to victory in the second war with the Malcovin. I know how to navigate a
battlefield with the best strategists, save for Valis of course.” She put a
hand on his shoulder. “Take care of yourself.”
    He knelt before
her. “I will my queen,” he said before disappearing.
    * *
    The main doors
of the Columbia base opened

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