Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light

Free Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light by Marcus Johnson Page B

Book: Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light by Marcus Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Johnson
    “They survived
the sojourn,” Seles said. “If they could live through that nothing the
Confederation throws at them will compare.”
    “I guess you’re
right,” Mira said.
    Seles turned to
the Freedom. “Let’s go Mira; we have a lot to do before he returns to us.”
    * *
    Valis entered
the bridge and went to her chair. Baed and Vae sat at their consoles while Zae
was in the commander’s chair. Daes stood by at the top of the bridge.
    “All weapons and
shields are prepared,” Zae said as she looked up.
    “All mobile suit
pilots have reported to their crafts and will be ready momentarily,” Baed
    “The Avoni’s
ready for launch,” Daes said.
    “Alright,” Valis
said. She turned on her com. “Brian, have you boarded?”
    “I’m heading for
the launching bay as we speak,” he responded.
    “Good,” Valis
turned the com to Meldi and Myli, “Launch as soon as we exit the base and take
formation D-3.”
    “Yes captain,”
the two squadron leaders responded.
    “Vae, take us
out,” Valis ordered.
    “Yes captain,”
Vae said.
    When the Avoni
reached the gate the doors opened to the outside. The heavy class vessel flared
up as it moved outside and into the thick of the bombardment. The shields
glowed as pulse blasts slammed into them.
    “It appears the
upgrades work,” Daes said with relief in her voice.
    “True,” Valis
said. “As it stands we possess the technological edge.”
    “But they’re
only a few years behind us,” Zae said.
    “I know,” Valis
said. “We have to take advantage as much as we can until they catch up.”
    * *
    Brian stood in the
launching bay in front the Mjolnir.
    “It’s been
awhile old friend,” he said as he stepped on the elevator cord.
    The eyes on the
mobile suit lit up as the systems inside turned on.
    “I was worried
you’d abandoned me,” the mobile suit said. “I was ready to deploy on my own if
you didn’t show up.”
    Brian smiled as
he took his seat in the cockpit. “Without the upgrades things are going to be
rough,” he said as he turned everything over to manual control.
    “We’ll survive,”
the mobile suit said.
    “I’m sure we will,”
Brian said before turning on his com. “Everything’s ready on my end Valis.”
    “Go ahead and
launch,” she ordered.
    “Formation D-3,
right?” he asked.
    “You know my
tactics far too well,” Valis said.
    “I’ll be heading
out now,” Brian said.
    The Mjolnir’s
engines fired up as the hatch above opened to let it outside. It joined the
other mobile suits on the hull of the Avoni and added to its shielding.
    “How are you
feeling?” Meldi asked as her image came up with Myli’s on his monitor.
    He tapped his
temple. “I’m be alright today Meldi.”
    “The ghosts
aren’t following you?” Myli asked.
    “No, not for the
moment,” he said. Brian closed his eyes and concentrated on the task at hand.
“The ocean tides are shifting and washing over the world.”
    “What’s that
supposed to mean?” Myli asked.
    “It means a
great change is occurring,” Meldi said.
    Brian opened his
eyes. “The waves are getting stronger as we speak.”
    * *
    Veda and her
command staff occupied the nerve center of the base while Grigon worked away at
a different console.
    “There!” the old
Malcovin shouted. “It’s ready to activate now.”
    “Activate what?”
Veda asked. “What exactly are you babbling about?”
    Grigon cawed
with indignity. “The system that’ll save our backsides,” he pointed to the
gravity drive system, “It’ll take us a few jumps to reach the Kalmar system.”
    Veda checked the
systems. “He’s right,” she said. “We can jump an entire base?”
    “Of course,” he
said. “Did you think we’d just sit here and let them pound our shields
    “No, but I
wasn’t expecting this,” she looked over a few more systems, “It doesn’t look
like we have any offensive weapons.”
    “Not yet,”
Grigon said.

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