Wicked Solutions

Free Wicked Solutions by Havan Fellows

Book: Wicked Solutions by Havan Fellows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Havan Fellows
Pulp Friction Presents
Wicked Solutions
Wicked Solutions #1
By Havan Fellows Copyright © 2013 by Havan Fellows Acknowledgements
    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, locations, incidents and positions are completely and absolutely a part of the author's skewed imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, businesses, events or locales are entirely coincidental and maybe a little bit freaky.
Cover Art by the multitalented Laura Harner Editing by the wonderful Jason Huffman
    All rights are reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is forbidden without express written permission of the publisher/author. So please be good, good is fun. Dedications
    I really need to thank Lee Brazil, Laura Harner and Tom Webb for their patience and kindness. They stayed by my side through this whole process and never got tired of answering the same
questions over and over again...and then one more time just for good measure. Sad thing is, that happens when I do take notes...imagine if I didn't...lol
    Thank you also to the readers...I know authors say this all the time —trust me we mean it. Without you...well there would be no me. So thank you for allowing me to be me and write a few words that maybe you'll find entertaining.
And now...for your reading enjoyment...
Book One Wicked Solutions
Chapter One
    Wick Templeton had retired from the police force years ago when an injury to his left side kept a doctor from clearing him to do anything but paper pushing. He wasn't a paper pusher. He needed the action of the streets, his fingernails dirty to feel like he contributed. Otherwise he was mean as a bear, and not the type he preferred in his bed either.
    So he made do with his own company, so he could do things his way and play by his rules. Technically he wasn't a private investigator, though he did have his license, for legal purposes. No, he leaned more toward the title of problem solver, hence the name Wicked Solutions. Have a spouse cheating on you and require proof? Sure, he'd take the pics if his schedule permitted. Have an issue with an overly friendly person who pops up everywhere? Wick would help out there also.
    Those mundane problems helped him pass the time, nothing more. He preferred the nitty gritty work to get his blood pumping. Which was a good thing, considering nitty gritty was just a ring away.
    Wick minimized the spider solitaire game he was elbows deep in and picked the phone up on the fourth ring. He never answered before the third—to weed out the uncertain clients, but he always answered before the ringing reached six—hated checking voicemail.
    "Wick." He didn't believe in long introductory speeches and he didn't list his number in any type of directory. If someone called him, they knew what he did.
"Oh thank God you're there. I need you, man." A familiar baritone floated out of the receiver.
He pushed his keyboard out of the way and up on the platform bracing his flat screen monitor then rested his elbows on the desk. "Brad Morris? Is that you?"
"Yeah…yeah, it is. Long time no talk, huh buddy?" A forced chuckle followed the truthful words.
"Hell yeah, it is. The last time you told me you needed me…well, it wasn't over the phone and you sure as hell didn't have that lost tone to your voice. Oh wait…you might have had the lost tone, but I gotta say it probably wasn't for the same reason as now."
He heard the intake of breath across the wire and rolled his eyes; Brad always leaned toward the melodramatic side of things. "I'm in trouble and out of ideas. I wouldn't have bothered you. I know this is probably awkward with our past, but I can't trust anyone else, and the fucking private dicks that my company hired…" Another deep breath filtered over the receiver. "Well, let's just say I know they don't have my best interest at heart."
"Rule number one, unless you're

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