Zombie Elementary Kaelor's Perspective

Free Zombie Elementary Kaelor's Perspective by Olivia Dunkelly

Book: Zombie Elementary Kaelor's Perspective by Olivia Dunkelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Dunkelly
ran past her. “Aoi, you and Kaelinda run! Run as far as you can!” I said as I ran closer to the light that came into my sight. I dashed towards it. When I got to the light, I saw Paige fighting them. Edmund pushed past me as he ran in the direction I came from. I gulped. Where’s my staff?  I looked on the ground. It was next to Hana-yon who was lying there, unconscious?  She didn’t look dead.
    I dashed over to my staff.   When I grabbed it, suddenly, someone grabbed my forearm.
    I grunted. This won’t end well I thought.  I got cut on the forearm and I let out a yelp of pain. I pushed the button on the staff.  I let out another grunt.  Then I was cut again in my forearm, a little closer to my elbow this time.  I let out another yelp of pain as I felt a tear come down my cheek. I looked up.
    The man who was causing me pain, had an evil grin on his face.
    Then a kunai dagger was coming in my direction.  I dodged it and pulled myself out of the man’s grasp. It hit him in his arm. He let out a yelp of pain this time.
    “Not this one again.” he said as he turned around. I looked in the direction where the kunai came from. I saw a man on the ground.  He didn’t look dead.  He just looked like he was pressure pointed. I looked to Paige, who was covered in cuts. She was so mad, she could have shot  daggers with her eyes.
    I bent down again, and then shook Hana-yon in an attempt to wake her up.
    Hana-yon had a big bruise on her forehead and a few cuts on her face. I grunted. Well, she couldn’t have been knocked out like that, she must have been pressure pointed too.  She’ll wake up soon enough.
    Suddenly, I felt someone yank my hair back.  I looked up to see who it was.  It was the man; he pulled my hair so I would come up from my squatting position.  Then he p ointed the knife towards my neck.
    I grunted again.  He was not giving up, was he?
    Then, Paige stood in front of us, a distance away.  She sighed.
    “Your friend or me?  It’s your choice.” the man said.
    Paige massaged her temples.  She looked mad. 
    “Yah!”  I heard someone yell.  It was Edmund.  I saw the man move the knife away from my neck and I felt all of his weight on me. Was he dead?
    I turned my head to look at his face.  He wasn’t dead, just knocked out. Well that was the end of this situation I thought as I shook him off of me.  I felt my neck. Thank goodness I wasn’t hurt! 
    “Are you okay?” I heard Paige ask.
    I nodded as I pointed to Hana-yon, “Yup, I’m fine but, what’s wrong with Hana-yon?” I asked.
    “Oh, she just got knocked out.” Paige said while coming towards me.  She squatted and then shook Hana-yon.
    “Hmph, it’s seems she won’t wake up from a shake,” Paige said trying to sound like an adult. She grunted. I looked at the arm she shook Hana-yon with.  There were a couple of wounds on it.
    “This might wake her up,” Edmund said as he banged his staff on the metal of the tent.  It made a loud metal clang and Hana-yon sprang up to the world of the living.
    I grabbed her and pulled her up.
    “What happened, who is that?” she asked.
    I remembered that when you get knocked out like that, the first thing you get is your smell, then hearing, then sight.  Or is it hearing, smell, then sight? Oh well, whatever. “It’s me, Kaelor” I replied, before giving Hana-yon a hug.
    “Oh”.  She stood  up and rubbed her bruise. “Ouch! Where’s Kaelinda, and Aoi” she said scanning the area.
    “Oops, I forgot that I told them to run.  So they probabaly are somewhere in the woods now.” I said.
    “Which way did they go?” Paige asked.
    “They ran deeper into the woods…I think.” I said while recalling when we turned around and ran into Kaelinda.  
    “Ok, so which way? This way or that way?” Paige asked while putting her arms out.
    “That way,” I said as I pointed to the arm facing the way we came to get

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