Rainer: An MC Savage Motorcycle Club Romance Novel

Free Rainer: An MC Savage Motorcycle Club Romance Novel by Trace Dex

Book: Rainer: An MC Savage Motorcycle Club Romance Novel by Trace Dex Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trace Dex
a hawk locked on its prey, my eyes were his target. Without breaking eye contact, he clenched his fists and slowly made his way towards me.

    I guess this is it. Time to be brave.



    I stared deep into Candace’s eyes. Her innocent light brown gaze stared back at me like it were some kind of contest, but I could tell she wasn’t challenging me. She probably wanted to know what we were all thinking.

    “You three go ahead, I’ll catch up later,” I said without breaking eye contact with Candace. She kept her gaze fixed on mine as well, though, which I thought was bold. She had a different look in her eyes from before. Not that I can read minds or any of that shit, but after someone’s been through all the shit I’ve been through, I can tell when something’s off.

    “We’re not leaving without you, brother,” said Rocket.

    “Yeah, we can’t leave you with this crazy bitch. She might try to kill—“ I lifted my hand at Sid to shut him up. “Just go, I’ll deal with this.”

    I could see them from the corner of my eyes as they stood around for a moment looking at one another. Lanvin shrugged a few times. Candace and I continued staring into each other’s eyes. She hadn’t blinked once and her sad eyes were already beginning to water.

    “Go!” I yelled.

    They shook their heads, looked at Candace, then walked away and hopped on their motorcycles.

    After Sid started his engine, I heard him mumbling some shit about how Candace needed to die.

    Rocket told him to leave it alone.

    Lanvin said something about how I gave her the gun so it’s not completely Candace’s fault, to which Sid smacked him on the head.

    “We’ll meet you at the clubhouse, brother. I know you’ll make the right decision,” said Rocket. I nodded, my vision still fixed on Candace.

    As their engines roared and they set off into the distance, the dust that was left in the air began to settle. Candace was squinting now, and her eyes were shining. I felt like neither of us had blinked since we locked our eyes on one another.

    I wondered if she was scared, I knew I would be if I were in her position.

    After a long bout of silence, I took a deep breath of desert air and ran my fingers through my hair. “I’m not going to sugarcoat this for you, sweetie, this was a huge fuck up, this shouldn’t have happened.” I began to pace back and fourth as I usually did whenever I needed to gather my thoughts.

    “You fucked up bad, real fucking bad.”

    I stopped and glanced at her for a moment, her sad eyes looked down as the tears began to fall. I didn’t want to do this but did I have any other choice?

    “You don’t even realize what you just did, do you?”

    She shook her head and fumbled with her fingers, and then she began to bite her lip. “Of course you don’t,” I said with a sigh. It’s really hard to be mad at someone when I know I’m also to blame.

    “That girl back there,” I said as I combed my hair back. “The one you shot in the head. She wasn’t supposed to die yet. No. Not until she gave us answers.” I began to pace back and fourth once again.

    “There’s really no turning back from this,” I said. “You single handedly started a war.”

    I stopped and stared at the ground. Maybe I should have left that part out. How the fuck am I supposed to deal with this.

    I began laughing nervously; it was a defense mechanism I had to protect myself. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself.

    “You. You you you. You, of all people. Who the fuck do you think you are?”

    “I j-just—“ she murmured as the tears began to fall from her eyes.

    “You just what? You just thought you would waltz into our shop, uninvited, screaming my name at the top of your goddamn lungs, thinking you can just join our club? As if this were some fucking game? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?”

    “I’m sorry.”

    “Sorry don’t mean shit, it’s a little too late for apologies,

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