Beside Still Waters

Free Beside Still Waters by Tracey V. Bateman

Book: Beside Still Waters by Tracey V. Bateman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey V. Bateman
yet. Well, he supposed she had accepted his proposal, but he was fully aware she’d only done so assuming they’d remain in Oregon. Regardless, he felt sure she would have eventually come around to his way of thinking. “On second thought, I should be the one to tell her I still want to marry her. If she hears my voice, she’ll know I’m being honest.”
    “You’re a decent man, Jonesy. And I know you love my daughter as deeply as I love her mother.”
    “Then please,” Jonesy pleaded, “let me see her.”
    Andy shook his head. “I’m sorry. But I can’t go against her wishes in this.”
    Dejected, Jonesy turned away and mounted Lady Anne. The most frustrating thing in the world to him was that his Eva lay in that bed day after day, hurting physically and emotionally, and he could do nothing to ease her pain. He wanted to hold her, to reassure her. To let his gentle touch soothe away the memories of violence and pain.
    As he rode away, helpless fury overtook him. He turned the mare in the direction of town. His throat clogged when he reached the spot on the road where Eva had been accosted, dragged into the woods, violated. Tears burned his eyes.
    With single-minded purpose, he guided Lady Anne forward toward town, his mind repeatedly replaying the sight of his beloved Eva when he’d found her.
    He halted the horse in front of the sheriff’s office and dismounted.
    Billy stood up when he entered. “I expected you a few days ago.”
    Surprise lifted Jonesy’s brow. “You did?”
    “Yep. I figured you’d be looking for some answers from those two vermin.” He jerked his thumb toward the back room, which was divided into four jail cells.
    “Have you questioned them?”
    He nodded. “Even tried to cut a deal with them.”
    “What kind of a deal?”
    “Let one of them go for information on where the others went.”
    “How will that help us find the man who hurt Eva?”
    “I figure he was the fellow who got away. He’s most likely fled the area. And unless I miss my guess, he’s headed straight to the camp where the others are hiding out with Mr. Compton’s horses.
    Jonesy nodded. “That makes sense.”
    “The big guy in there says the man who got away has done the same thing to other women. None of the others lived.”
    This was all his fault. He should have paid closer attention. If only he could go back and change things.
    “So you offered to let one of them go in exchange for information on the rest of the gang’s whereabouts?”
    Billy nodded. “I didn’t figure they’d go for the deal. I mean, what good would it do to lead me to the hideout? I’d still arrest them for horse thieving.”
    “Can I talk to them?”
    “I suppose I can give you a few minutes alone with them. Leave your gun on my desk.”
    An idea formed in Jonesy’s mind as he walked from Billy’s office to the room that housed the cells.
    The only occupants were the two horse thieves. The older man was stretched out on a bench, one enormous arm flung across his forehead, covering his eyes.
    The younger one gave him a shove when he saw Jonesy. “Hey, Randy,” he whispered. “Wake up. We got company.”
    “What?” Randy snorted and sat up. He smoothed back his unruly gray hair. A sneer twisted his nasty, half-toothless mouth. “What do you want?”
    Jonesy grabbed the wooden chair sitting against the wall opposite the cells. He carried it forward about three feet from the bars and straddled the seat, resting his forearms on the back of the chair, facing the outlaws. “I’m here to offer you a deal.”
    Randy let out a humorless chuckle. “Save it. Your sheriff already tried to make a deal. Problem is, he gets unfair advantage, and we’d just get caught again.”
    Jonesy inclined his head. “I agree that was a bad deal for you. You’re too smart to be fooled by some lawman who wants to make a name for himself in this part of the country.”
    Randy’s eyes narrowed. “What could you offer that’s any different?

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