Wanton Heat (A Feel the Heat Novel) (Entangled Brazen)

Free Wanton Heat (A Feel the Heat Novel) (Entangled Brazen) by Nicola Marsh

Book: Wanton Heat (A Feel the Heat Novel) (Entangled Brazen) by Nicola Marsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Marsh
Tags: Contemporary Romance, Erotic, island, Italy, matchmaker, Royalty, Stranded
Maybe you’re just toying with me in some warped game you play with all your women—”
    His mouth crushed hers. Silencing her. Tormenting her.
    He backed her up against the nearest wall. Sandstone dug into her back. She didn’t care.
    He ravished her mouth and ground his pelvis against her. She responded by nipping his tongue and hooking a leg around his waist.
    They had too many clothes on.
    A thought apparently shared by the prince as his hand slid beneath her skirt and ripped her panties off.
    She whimpered. He deepened the kiss until she could barely breathe.
    His fingertips grazed her thighs, her hips, her ass. Light, feathery touches that pebbled her skin and made her shiver with want.
    She wriggled against him, desperate for him to touch her where she throbbed. But His Highness seemed intent on teasing her, because he eased the pressure against her mouth, making her whimper.
    He grazed her lips repeatedly, maddeningly soft, incredibly sensual. And all the while, his fingertips maintained their leisurely exploration beneath her skirt, driving her wild with the urge to rip everything off and ride him into oblivion.
    When his fingers scraped the tender skin on the inside of her thigh, she moaned so loud it echoed all the way down to her soul.
    And that’s when Dominic sensed her urgency. His lips slammed against hers. Devouring her mouth. Driving her insane with the relentless craving to have him inside her. Now.
    Zoe knew she should stop this madness. She really should. But then he touched her clit, a slow, deliberate swipe that had her insides clenching. She really needed to be clenching around him.
    She tried to insinuate her hands between their bodies, but he wouldn’t let her, maintaining his sensual assault on her mouth while his thumb circled her clit.
    Her orgasm built too quickly, and she tried to squirm away. It was too fast, too intense, too much. She was out of control, on a one-way trip to hedonistic heaven, without any fricking clue of how to come back.
    He slid a finger inside her in response. Another. Then another. Stretching her. Filling her. Pumping into her while his thumb picked up the pace.
    The pleasure built. Her muscles tightened. And then she shattered, screaming into his mouth as she came.
    She was only vaguely aware of the unzipping and the tearing of foil. But her awareness improved when he gripped her ass, hoisted her up, and slid into her.
    Jeez, he was big. Seriously big. Filling her so deeply, so completely, to the point of pain. Then he moved, sliding slowly out and in again, and that fleeting pain was replaced by exquisite, mind-numbing pleasure.
    He nuzzled the tender skin beneath her ear. She bit his shoulder.
    He nipped her earlobe. She licked beneath his jaw.
    He thrust into her so deep, she almost saw stars. She scoured his back so hard he groaned, and she wasn’t sure if it was in a good way.
    When he changed the angle of his pelvis, driving into her deeper than she ever thought possible, she had an epiphany. Sex before Dominic? Merely a prelude to the real thing.
    This was rough and ready and oh so wild.
    Her second orgasm slammed into her unexpectedly but was just as cataclysmic as the first. He tensed a second later before he came, his moan drowned out by a crash of thunder.
    Zoe had no idea how long they stood there, him buried inside her, her legs cramping, the rough-hewn wall digging into her back, the wind howling outside, and the lightning illuminating the room.
    She didn’t care. For as long as she focused on the sensational sex they’d just had, she could drown out the insistent thoughts, most of them centered on “what the fuck have you just done?”
    Dominic had no idea what the hell had just happened.
    One minute he’d been deliberately baiting Zoe to see how far he could go to rattle her, the next he’d shoved her up against the wall and had mind-blowing sex. In silence. No murmured endearments, no sexy whispers. He’d taken her. Hard and fast and

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