Expecting Eternity (Vamp Life #2)

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Book: Expecting Eternity (Vamp Life #2) by Jez Strider Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jez Strider
turning back to the mirror and tugging on my dress.  He was sitting with his back against the headboard watching me. 
    “I’m not going.  They want us to go out to a fancy, expensive restaurant and won’t even come to the door.  I mean, teenagers honk the horn.  Not mature adults.”  In all honestly, I had no desire whatsoever to go to dinner with Taya and her date even before the rude greeting.  Marc had insisted that I needed to get out.  Didn’t he realize that I looked like Shamu?  Was he blind?  I wondered, almost out loud, but I resisted the temptation.
    My husband let out a long sigh.  “You’re hot.  Stop worrying so much.”  He was wearing nice jeans, not his usual grease stained ones full of holes.  A dark sport jacket was over his button up shirt.  “Look at me.  I dressed up just for you.  You have to go.”
    I looked him over and I couldn’t argue.  “I just wish this dress fit better.  How much weight have I gained in the past week since I bought it?”  Marcus laughed, not maliciously, but with simple amusement.  “Fine, let’s go.”  I told him as I gave one last tug at the red silken fabric. 
    The p regnancy was moving forward and I was at about eight months.  Fate still lived with us when she wasn’t jaunting across the globe with Antonio.  There’d been no sign of Roger or arrests in Ashley’s murder.  We all continued forward because we had no other choice.  Life went on. 
    Taya had called and invited us out to dinner at a recently opened restaurant called Chez Christophe’s Amour.  It wasn’t an invitation we could readily turn down since she’d already made the reservations.
    Marc opened the door of the sleek Lexus for me and helped me sit down in the back.  I didn’t know a whole lot about cars, but it appeared to be pricey. 
    When Marcus climbed in his side of the car, he let out an admiring whistle.  “Nice car, man.”
    Taya leaned around, grinning at us.  “Christophe, this is Evelyn and Marcus.”  She ran her hand along her date’s leg, giving a small squeeze.  “This is Chris Girard.  He owns the restaurant.  How else do you think I got reservations?”  She laughed.
    Christophe….  I had barely put two and two together when he gave me a glance and I finally saw his face.  He shifted the luxury car into gear before speaking with his heavy French accent.  “Pleasure to meet you, Monsieur and Mademoiselle Hart.  I do hope you will enjoy the evening at my restaurant.”
    “Likewise.   It’s not usually my kind of place, but Evey deserves a fancy night out.”  Marcus said as he reached out to take my hand.
    I still hadn’t said anything.  Taya gave a small smirk before turning to face the front.  Christophe.  My Christophe was dead.  I’d seen him die at Versailles.  I rolled down my window and drew in a deep breath. 
    “Are you alright?”  Taya asked from the front.  Smug bitch.  I thought to myself.  There was no way it was coincidence that she was dating one of my former lovers.  She apparently had a taste for my men.
    Marc’s expression was troubled.  That was all he needed.  Another man I’d slept with in our lives.  I mustered up a smile.  “I’m fine.”  I forced myself to relax.  “So how did you and Taya meet?”
    The venom of my thoughts didn’t translate into my spoken words, thankfully. 
    “ Through a mutual friend at Le Bourget Airport in Paris a couple of years ago.”  Christophe said simply.  “It was a brief encounter, but I believe it stayed with both of us.”
    “I’d like to say I was instantly attracted to his personality, but it was really just how sexy he is, especially with that accent.”  Taya laughed happily and Christophe grinned. 
    She was right, though.  He was attractive.  His dirty blonde hair was cut conservatively and he had a small mustache that suited him well.  I hoped we’d have a moment alone to discuss how he survived the attack and fire.  He had

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