Cloak and Dagger (The IMA Book 1)

Free Cloak and Dagger (The IMA Book 1) by Nenia Campbell

Book: Cloak and Dagger (The IMA Book 1) by Nenia Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nenia Campbell
because you have a gun, but really, you're just a cow — ”
    In one stride he closed the distance between us and clamped his hand over my mouth. “Let's get one thing clear here, because your logic appears to have been clouded in the midst of your grief. You are talking about feelings. And feelings make you stupid. Yes, I have a gun. And if you continue to piss me off with your stupid sentimental bullshit, I am going to use that gun on you.”
    I spluttered and tried to pull free. He gave me a shake.
    “ I could care less how you feel about me, darlin. I only have to make sure you remain unscathed long enough for us to find your parents and use you as currency. After that, it doesn't matter what happens to you and all your bleeding-heart sentiments. You'll be a loose end. Maybe we'll let you live — or maybe, we'll just kill you. Welcome to my world. It's called Reality. Buy some property and settle down, 'cause you're gonna be here for a long fucking time.”
    He pulled away, wiping his hand on his pants.
    I'd rather be a bleeding heart than have no heart at all .
    As if he could read my mind, he added, “Don't think that your so-called status gives you license to sit here and insult me, making threats you don't have the ability to carry out. Like I said, you'll only end up pissing me off and trust me; you don't want that.”
    Something snapped then, as if the pain had roused some sleeping beast inside me.
    “ You're pathetic.”
    I'd said it under my breath but he'd heard me, because part of me had wanted him to hear me, and his eyes narrowed. “What was that? You have something you want to share with the rest of the class?” Part of my brain cried out that he was too close — that I was going to make him mad — that he was already mad — and that I shouldn't push my luck, just cash in my chips and stop now . But by then it was too late. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't reclaim my words.
    My anger and grief were spiraling out of control and I was caught in the undertow.
    “ I said you're pathetic, you worm.”
    I paused for air.
    (Don't say it . )
    “ You're lower than life.”
    As any forest ranger will tell you, even the smallest spark is capable of culminating into a raging inferno under the proper circumstances. I had been insulted thousands of times, in a multitude of languages; it came with the job. But this girl was good at pushing my buttons — and there was a spark in her eyes, a little streak of defiance, that suggested she wasn't throwing words around. She was perceptive, selective; she meant them.
    And she fucking pissed me off.
    I straddled her hips, pinning her down to the basement floor. I waited until she tired herself out enough to calm down, then forced her to look me in the eye. She didn't like that. Too bad. “Take a long, hard look around you. You want to talk about pathetic? You're the one chained to the goddamn pipe.”
    I stopped, making sure she was still paying attention. She was.
    “ If you want that to change, as I imagine you do, I suggest you start cooperating with me and stop fucking fighting me at every goddamn turn. It is your own fault that you're here. Whether you believe that or not doesn't matter. What I want matters. And what I want is information.”
    “ I'm not going to sell out my parents — and I already told you everything I know!”
    She didn't seem to realize the contradiction in her words. Foolish girl.
    “ I have trouble believing that.” I paused a beat. “You know anything about Greek mythology?” She went absolutely still beneath me. “Of course you have. Ever hear of something called Pandora's box?”
    Terror lit up her entire face. She tried to play it off. She was a poor actor. “I took mythology in school.”
    “ Your daddy was interested in Greek mythology, too. He sent us a little greeting card with a bit of Greek mythology. A greeting card that blew out some expensive and irreplaceable data. You know why, Christina? Because he saw

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