Finding Monsters

Free Finding Monsters by Liss Thomas

Book: Finding Monsters by Liss Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liss Thomas
especially resentful that they don’t have this power. They have tried to take the power or produce their own. So far they have been unsuccessful but they have developed terrible magic in the process.”
    “Why do they want the power so ba d ly?”
    “They want to rule. Not only this world but any others as well. We can’t seem to keep spies in their te r ritory for long, so we don’t know what they are up to. What we do know is that there is something going on in dragon territory, and we can only suspect that it has something to do with the jackals.”
    “So my mission is to find out what is happening in dra g on country?” Missy asked. Whispered tingles of excitement ski d ded across her mind as Egan’s muscles rippled with joy.
    “Yes. If you succeed, you are one step closer to becoming a monster,” Charlie said.
    “Well, Egan is ready for a little excitement. When do I start?”
    “Not so fast, Cabayo Goddess, you still need more trai n ing. Sir Alastaire and Vrag are en route to help you. Sir Alastaire will continue to guide you through the remaining quests.
    “And Vrag?” Missy asked.
    “A mystery. He’s never offered to train before; we’ve asked.”
    “He trained me for several hours the night after my d e feat.”
    Charlie raised his eyebrow at that news. “Well, a few weeks with them and you should be ready for an y thing,” Charlie said.
    “Can you come with me this time?”
    “No, but I’ve already asked my father to help me send my reflection as before. With his help, I will be able to help you more in this quest. I think I’ll be a bird this time so I can help you scout the terrain.”
    They rode in silence for several more miles b e fore turning around and making their way back. Missy dismounted and a s sured Egan she would return later with ca r rots and treats. He bristled with anticipation before a stable attendant led him calmly to the heated stables.

Chapter 12
    T he arrival of Sir Alastaire Henry and Vrag meant Missy’s days were filled with sword play and staff fighting. She met them at the outer door and inwardly laughed as Vrag co m plained of being harassed by a troll to cross the bridge near his dwelling. He cut his eye at Missy who tried to look serious and astounded at the news.
    With her increased strength, Missy held her own against her instructors as they crammed centuries of technique and skill into a few short weeks. Ginger and Elyen also came along to help coordinate Missy’s wardrobe for travel. Although there would be mostly ou t door accommodations on the journey, they insisted she take at least one evening gown, ‘just in case’. Missy rolled her eyes at the notion but took their advice none the less. Sophie brought in fabrics of all kinds as they set to work hand-making garments for Missy’s quest. When completed, she had several warm pairs of leggings with matching tunics, coats of heavy wool, and waterproof skins (of questionable origin) with matc h ing boots, of course.
    Charlie tried to busy himself with other things and not on the pending quest Missy would embark upon. Even if assisted by his father in sending his mi r rored image along with her, it didn’t compare to a c tually being there. He could not help her fight or protect her from danger. He hit his fist on the wall in fr u stration sending a reverberation through the room. Moments later a knock sounded at the door.
    “Come in,” Charlie called. He knew it would be his father.
    “So what’s on your mind, and don’t say nothing, you shook the entire second half of our dwelling,” Atian said.
    “Just worried, I guess. I’m stronger now, father, why can’t I go with Missy to dragon country? I could help her so much more if I went along.” Charlie had to ask even though he knew his request would be denied.
    “Charlie, you know why you can’t go, and it’s not because your diminished strength. She has to acco m plish this task with as little interference as possible. You are not an

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