
Free Caroline by Cynthia Wright

Book: Caroline by Cynthia Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Wright
then—let's get you into bed."
    Impulsively, she gave him a hug, mainly to feel the comforting strength of his arms around her when he returned her embrace. Then he led her to bed, pulled up the counterpane, and perched casually on the edge of the bed. His next question was blunt:
    "How much of the last two days do you remember?"
    "Well, I remember the men—and what they did. I shall never forget. You know, there was something about that awful man with the yellow eyes that jolted my memory. He seemed to remind me of someone I knew—that's a gruesome thought, isn't it!"
    "And I killed the big man, I remember that, too, though it is all a horrific blur in my mind. It hurts to think of it. And... you shot the other one, didn't you?"
    Alec didn't speak for a long moment as he mulled over her words about the yellow-eyed man. His expression was distant and he rubbed a brown knuckle against his jaw before refocusing on her question.
    "Yes, but that's of no consequence," he said brusquely. "Do you know, I probably would have slept through it all if not for your burning bread! At any rate, I'm very proud of you for what you did. You've got an uncommon amount of courage. I want to urge you now not to dwell on those memories. You are a lovely girl in every way and you've been mistreated lately by a variety of villainous types—myself included. You must not let what's happened turn you against the majority of men in this world who are well behaved and respectful."
    The impish gleam was back in Caro's eyes. "That certainly sounds boring! I believe I would prefer a rogue like you over some simpering milksop." Turning serious, she sighed. "But, you mustn't worry about me. I shall do my best to forget those men in the barn, as soon as I have thanked you for that daring rescue."
    Alec raised one eyebrow and bowed slightly. "Damsels in distress are my specialty."
    "Now tell me, where are we? Van Der Pat Manor?"
    "Yes, we left as soon as I got you quieted down, which amounted to your lapsing into a sort of trance. We arrived here that same evening, and you've been asleep in this bed ever since."
    "I imagine the Van Der Pats will be happy to hear I'm up and around. It certainly has been nice of them to take care of me this way."
    "They're very good people. Stephen Van Der Pat has been a shipowner and trader for years, and he and my father are old friends. I've known them all since I was a child."
    Caro smiled. "I find it hard to believe that you were ever a child!"
    She was interrupted by a knock at the door and a voice calling, "Sacha, is everything all right?"
    Alec did not move from his place on the bed, but replied, "Come in, Gretchen."
    The door opened to admit a vision of pure loveliness, and suddenly Caro understood why Alec hadn't been bored at Van Der Pat Manor. The girl who was approaching the bed was tall and fragile with a beautiful pink-and-ivory complexion. Her pale hair was arranged elegantly, falling over one bare shoulder in three long ringlets. Large china-blue eyes dominated her perfect face, their color accentuated by a fashionable gown of blue silk. Above all, however, Caro noticed the way the girl was looking at Alec. There could be no mistaking the fact that she felt possessive toward him, for as she smiled at Caro her eyes were relaying a very different message.
    With a lazy grin, he offered: "Gretchen Van Der Pat, may I present Caroline—ah—Bergman, my ward. Caroline, this is Gretchen."
    They smiled at one another most charmingly.
    "Miss Van Der Pat, you must allow me to thank you for your hospitality these past two days. You have been very kind."
    Gretchen turned a dazzling smile directly on Alec. "Miss Bergman, my parents deserve all your gratitude. I was only glad to help in my own small way—hmm, Sacha?"
    Alec's eyes sparkled with such unconcealed amusement that Caro longed to poke him. "You're an excellent hostess ," he told Gretchen.
    "There is a friend of yours who has arrived downstairs and Papa

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