The Tycoon's Seductive Revenge

Free The Tycoon's Seductive Revenge by Kristi Avalon

Book: The Tycoon's Seductive Revenge by Kristi Avalon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Avalon
plantation. Much of the history he knew, other information was a surprise.
    They cruised through the marshy wetlands to the southwest, and he strove to focus on her explanation of the unique birds of that area. A well-camouflaged Blue Heron suddenly took flight from the reeds beside them. The movement distracted him, offering a momentary reprieve from the constant torture of sexual repression.
    “Did you ever notice Herons nest in trees?” she asked. “You wouldn’t think,” she continued, “considering their long legs and the amount of time they spend in the water hunting.”
    She pointed to a copse of Live Oaks with Spanish moss draping from their branches, swaying lazily in the breeze. Home of the Heron. Great .
    They exited the marshes, passed the hopper landing strip, and neared the eastern beachfront overlooking the vast Atlantic Ocean. Waves mimicked the rhythm he and Ellie made horseback riding, the ebb and flow much like making love. His hard length slid against her jeans, then retreated. Sliding, retreating. He was about to go out of his mind.
    Suddenly Ellie grabbed his hand. “Look over there!” He followed where her other hand pointed. “A pair of Loggerhead Turtles. I’ve only seen a few here and there—never a mated pair. Do you know how amazing that is?”
    At the word mated, Carter clenched his teeth. What he found amazing was own his restraint.
    After ten more minutes of pretending to focus on her guided tour, most of which he already knew, he’d reached his limit. “Ellie.”
    She tipped her head back, her lips lush and tempting and begging to be kissed. “What’s up?”
    You can’t tell? His stiff cock throbbed against her backside. “We need to stop.”
    She frowned. “So soon?”
    “Trust me. I need to walk for a minute.”
    “Motion sickness?”
    I wish . He pulled up on the reins and the horse slowed. “I’ve reached my limit. In more ways than one,” he added, grimacing.
    Her lips parted in a precocious smile, her white teeth sparkling. “That’s part of the fantasy, the allure of horseback riding. No boundaries.”
    I’m about to make that a reality . His hands tightened on the reins to keep himself in check. “It’s not the horse, honey.”
    “Just ahead there’s a lighthouse.”
    “Is that a stop on the tour?”
    “Hang in there a few more minutes, and I’ll give you a personal tour of the building. The view from the top is mesmerizing.”
    Body aching with need, muscles on fire, his lust hit unbearable heights. “Make it fast.”
    With a flick the reins, Ellie spurred Buck into a canter. Her tight ass slapped against his lap. Much more of this, and he’d explode.
    “Now, Ellie,” he growled, tightening his arm around her waist.
    She brought the horse to a halt beside the stone fence surrounding the lighthouse. “This is the best part of the tour.”
    His skin itched. His cock throbbed. And his mind blistered under the heat of consuming passion.
    The brisk November wind off the Atlantic did nothing to soothe his scorching need to be inside her. Carter concentrated on one thing—getting Ellie out of her clothes as soon as possible.
    They dismounted and approached the lighthouse. After what felt like an eternity, Ellie found the right key on her loaded key ring and unlocked the lighthouse door. “You’ll love this.”
    “Don’t I know,” he agreed under his breath.
    The second she stepped inside, Carter caught her in his arms. He kicked the door shut, took her face in her hands and devoured her mouth.
    “I want you,” he said against her lips. “Now.”

Chapter 6
    Carter came on to her fast and hard. Ellie lost her bearings under his physical intensity. The base of the spiral staircase came up quickly behind her as he backed her into the lighthouse. 
    “Mmph!” she tried to warn. Shutting her eyes tight, she clung to him, awaiting impact against the thick metal post.
    But Carter’s hands and arms cradled her, and when they hit the beam,

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