The Tycoon's Seductive Revenge

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Book: The Tycoon's Seductive Revenge by Kristi Avalon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Avalon
dear life. His hints made electric pulses arc through her in anticipation.
    His mouth traced her shoulders, traveling down her spine, his tongue trailing the arch in her lower back. She shivered at the delicious descent, the nerve endings in her back scorched by each pass of his open mouth on her naked skin.
    She gasped his name.
    “I know how much you like that.”
    She sighed knowing the bliss awaiting her. “Don’t stop.”
    “Not a chance.” He dipped his tongue into the two shallow depressions at the base of her spine.
    “Oh, God.” She arched.
    Growling softly, he grazed his teeth along her backside. When she stepped out of her jeans, he stood suddenly. He nudged her legs apart, gripping her hip bones, lifting her up to the perfect angle.
    The second his finger dipped down between her thighs, caressing the tight bead of flesh that ached for him, she gasped. Breathy whimpers of pleasure echoed in the lighthouse. His middle finger swirled against her clit.
    Her cries turned to wild moans.
    She rode his hand, wishing this would never stop. She hadn’t felt this excited, this sensual since the last time they’d been together.
    Then he slipped his finger inside her, stroking into her heated core, the heel of his hand grinding against her ultra-sensitive tip. Tingling tightness seized her body. She dug her nails into her palms as a flood of pleasure funneled through her, radiating out from between her legs. Building, advancing, heightening toward the perfect moment when—
    “Ah, yes!” She arched. His fingers made quick, light passes against her flesh.
    A second later, white-hot pleasure burst through her. She shook in his arms. Her pleasure center ached and throbbed with bliss. “So good,” she murmured weakly.
    Slave to his talented fingers, she let him coax every ripple of pleasure from her body, until she slumped back against his chest. He gave one last flick, and she shuddered at the sensation.
    He held her tight against him. She felt like a puppet on a string, only able to stand with his support. He lifted her chin, so their eyes met in the window’s reflection.
    His nostrils flared. “I’m not done with you yet. Not even close.”
    Ellie could barely catch her breath.
    “Now I’m going to take you from behind.”
    Carter dropped his pants and entered her in one slick move.
    “Oh!” She tensed, unused to such length and girth. He pulled out halfway then plunged into her to the hilt. She inhaled sharply. It had been so long.
    “Relax, Ellie. I’m with you.”
    Their eyes met in their reflection. Ellie recognized that look. One she’d never forget. The expression of passion, true devotion, the way he’d looked at her the night he made love to her for the first time—her first time. And it had been so beautiful.
    Dampness seeped into her eyes. Her body slackened, releasing all tension. Her hands relaxed their vice-grip on the metal bar in front of her.
    As she splayed her hands, his fingers threaded through hers intertwining around the bar. “That’s it. Slow. Easy.” He began a gentle rhythm inside her. “Remember...”
    Always .
    Ellie fought a surge of emotion. She wanted to reveal everything, as they shared their bodies for pleasure, for release, for a bliss she hadn’t found since their relationship dissolved.
    But she didn’t want memories to remove her from this moment. She wanted to be here . Right now. With him. The best of their past remembered, the worst forgotten.
    “Carter, I want to face you. Watch you.”
    He said through clenched teeth, “I can’t stop now.”
    “I want to touch you, feel you.”
    “Oh, you will.” He lifted her leg, setting her foot on the bottom steel rung. His thrusts deepened.
    Then he angled his motion just right, gliding against the pleasure center inside her. Ellie’s mind went blank. Sensuality saturated her being. She eagerly moved her hips to meet his thrusts.
    Their skin slapped as he drove into her.

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