The Tycoon's Seductive Revenge

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Book: The Tycoon's Seductive Revenge by Kristi Avalon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Avalon
he cushioned the impact. Their bodies collided, molding together.
    She hadn’t expected such a raw, aggressive response to her flirtations. Yet she welcomed it, wanted it as fiercely as he claimed her.
    And claim her, he did.
    The movement of his mouth against hers, possessive and consuming, called to her deepest instincts. She scraped her nails along his scalp, neck, shoulders. Her hips beckoned the hard length grinding against her.
    “Upstairs,” she said.
    He shook his head. “Here. Now.”
    Between his torrents of kisses down her neck toward her cleavage, she insisted, “I want to do this with a lighthouse view.”
    A curse seethed between his teeth. “If I catch you on the way up, you’re mine. I’ll take you on the stairs if I have to.”
    “I’ll be quick.”
    “You better hope.”
    Pulling away from his strong grasp, she dashed up the rickety spiral stairs. The structure vibrated as she advanced to the lighthouse tower.
    “I’m coming for you.” His tone held a predatory warning.
    To tantalize him, she shed an article of clothing every few feet as she lunged up the steps, enjoying his sexual pursuit. “Almost there.”
    His shoes pounded the steps. “You think I’d let you get away from me again?”
    “I’ll believe it when I see it,” she goaded.
    “Believe it, baby. You’re mine.”
    A shiver coursed through her at the fierceness of his claim. How long had she fantasized about Carter returning to the island, sweeping her off her feet, making love her like no other man had?
    “It looks like,” he said as he reached the landing and catching his breath, “you have nowhere left to run.”
    Arching a provocative eyebrow, Ellie backed toward the control panel. The windows let in three-hundred-and-sixty degrees of light. She felt exposed, yet daring. “Who said I was running?”
    He stalked toward her. “You’ll pay for this torment.”
    “I can’t wait,” she breathed, right before his mouth crashed down on hers.
    This reminded her of the other morning she came into his room and found him stepping out of the shower.  She’d been too shell-shocked, unable to admit she wanted him to touch her, kiss her, make love to her right then. She wanted everything she missed in this man, the love of her life.
    “Carter,” she pleaded as his teeth nipped her neck, “make this real.”
    “You think it never was?”
    “I’ve missed you.”
    The whispered omission made her heart soar. Could they regain their passion, their connection, in an act that signified everything they once meant to each other?
    “Let me...” His hand slid to her back, unfastening her bra.
    When the garment fell away, she shifted his palm to cup one of her bare breasts.
    Growling, he dove into her cleavage like a starved man who’d stumbled on a feast. He dragged his cheek along the outer curve of one breast, the heat from his mouth coating her skin with a veil of steam. He sucked the plump underside, before seizing her nipple between his teeth. He tugged. Ellie moaned at the acute sensation. Then his tongue swirled to sooth the sting.
    Her hips moved rhythmically against his pelvis, her body aching for his. “Take me, Carter. Just like this.”
    He paused, staring down at her with a feral gleam in his eyes. “This is my fantasy, my tour. I’ll take you however I want.” Carter spun her around to face the glass windows circling the tower. The scent of sea salt mingled with their erotic aroma. He unfastened her jeans and shucked them down to her ankles. “Think you can handle it?”
    She gripped the slim metal bar that cordoned off the control panel. “Give it to me.”
    “That’s my girl.” His hands perused her naked skin from behind, as if he’d never get enough of the feel of her against his palms. He sent her a sultry stare in the reflection of the windows. Flicking her ear with his tongue, he growled, “I can’t wait to taste you.”
    She tossed her head back, closed her eyes, and held on for

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