One Hour to Midnight

Free One Hour to Midnight by Shirley Wine

Book: One Hour to Midnight by Shirley Wine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirley Wine
regain his health.  
    Then act like Veronica. Leon's earlier words ghosted through her mind and she knew how to help this precious child.  
    Jordan needed to shift his thoughts from dying to living.  
    "Professor Carey is sure the transplant will be a huge success. You and I are a very good match on all ten critical points." She held up her hand, fingers splayed. "Just think Jordan, ten whole points. Soon, all this will only be a bad memory. Imagine all the fun things you will be able to do when you're well again, okay?"
    "I never thought of that."
    "Well you think about it now, you hear," she said sternly. "Think about winning this war."
    "What war?" Jordan asked, obviously intrigued.
    "Why, when all my bone marrow meets up with yours, there's gonna be an all-out war. Imagine it. Right inside your bones there's going to be a humongous battle as my marrow fights yours and wins. Wham! Pow! Bam!"
    "Okay." Jordan's grin lit up the room as he punched a fist at the air. "Wham! Pow! Bam! They'll fight inside my bones."  
    "They will. And you know what, your bad cells won't stand a chance."
    "They'll be out-gunned," Leon added, giving her a grateful glance. "Veronica's bone marrow cells will chop your ones off at the knees."
    "Won't stand a chance, kiddo. Girl power wins every time. I'll go sit in the sun so my bone marrow is really strong. We'll work together and give your mean old bone marrow cells the go by, right?"
    "Right!" Jordan grinned, looking much more like a normal little boy. "You've got neat eyes."
    "So have you."  
    Trust a child to hone in on the one obvious thing they shared. She fought the impulse to gather him close and protect him, keep him safe from a malign fate.  
    The reaction was as powerful as it was unexpected.  
    Veronica glanced at her watch, desperate to escape before the temptation overpowered her.  
    "I have to go, Jordan. My taxi's waiting." She touched his hand again. His skin was warm beneath her fingers and she wanted so much more. "I'll be back on Monday, okay?"
    "Okay." Jordan twined his fingers through hers, holding tightly for a few moments. "Thanks for the balloons."
    "My pleasure, good luck for tomorrow." She unclasped her hand, sketched a wave at Leon and left.  
    Outside, she tossed the gown in the linen bag and leaned against the wall, sucking in a ragged breath. It did nothing to ease the burning in her lungs.  
    No one should have to endure such heartbreak twice in one lifetime.
    In the foyer, her vision hazed and the carpeted floor tilted at an alarming angle. A passing nurse caught her in a supporting grip. "You need to sit down."  
    Veronica was pushed into a chair, her head shoved down into her lap.
    Dimly aware of a murmured conversation, she was surprised when Leon crouched in front of her, holding her hands.  
    The ringing in her ears faded and the furniture stayed still.
    "Feeling better?" Leon's face mirrored concern.
    "I'm sorry," she mutteredd.
    "You're entitled." His grip on her hands tightened. "You've had a few very stressful days."  
    "My taxi's waiting." She tugged her hands free and tried to stand up. It was a silly move, the dizziness returned. Leon gripped her shoulders and guided back down into the chair. "Stay put."  
    "But my taxi..."
    "Forget it. I'm sending you to Claremont."

    Chapter Six
    V eronica's horrified expression hit Leon where it hurt. Did she really see him as some sort of monster, out to steal her soul?
    Her panicked gaze skimmed across him a moment before those long lashes swept across those incredible sea-blue eyes, shielding them. The same coloured eyes she shared with his son.
    No, not my son, this woman's son, and the child she thinks I stole from her.  
    The thought had him gripping her hands a little tighter than he intended. "You're in no fit condition to stay at a hotel. Cassie will love to spend a few days cosseting you."
    "Claremont is your home." She darted him an anxious

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