Free B00B1W3R6U EBOK by Anna J.

Book: B00B1W3R6U EBOK by Anna J. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna J.
    “Then what is it like? You’ve been giving me your ass to kiss for months. Now all of a sudden you care about my well-being? James, please tell that shit to someone who gives a damn.”
    “I do care, I’ve just been going through stuff.”
    “I tried to help you.”
    “I know that, and I apologize. I just don’t want to lose you to someone else.”
    “Like who, James?” I started to sweat a little because I thought maybe he found out about me and Monica, but I wasn’t going to be the one to say it first.
    “I don’t know who, but I need to know that it’s just me and you.”
    I turned to face him and asked with a straight face, “Have I ever cheated on you before?”
    “No, but...”
    “Then I have no reason to now.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “Are you? Usually when you start pointing the finger it’s you who’s doing it.”
    “I would never do that.”
    “Neither would I.”
    “Then how come we haven’t been having sex lately?”
    “Because you’ve been acting shitty. That five minutes you dishing out I can do myself,” I regretted it as soon as it left my lips.
    “So, is that how it is? Is that what you think of me?”
    “James, it’s not like that.”
    “If it wasn’t like that, you wouldn’t have said it,” he responded while he put on the sweat suit he had on earlier.
    “James, why are you leaving?”
    “I just need to clear my head. I’ll be back. The kids are still watching the movie, check on them in another half hour.”
    I was left speechless with a dumb-ass look on my face as he walked out of the bedroom. I heard him get in the car and pull away, and I resisted the urge to jump in my Blazer and go after him. I wanted to, but I couldn’t leave the kids by themselves, and by the time I would’ve gotten dressed and got them to the neighbor’s, he would be long gone. Besides all that, I didn’t want the neighbors in my business. I just sat on the bed and thought about the last couple of months and what our future held. At this rate it didn’t look too bright, and I was hoping our vows, for better or worse, held up.

How It All Went Down...

Playing With Fire
    James pulled up in front of Monica’s house after riding around in circles for two hours. Just like Jasmine, he had no intentions of ever seeing Monica again. The creeping they had been doing for the past four months had started to wear him down and his relationship with Jasmine was suffering. Taking all of that into consideration, he walked slowly up the path to Monica’s house. Standing outside the door hesitant to ring the bell, he finally leaned on it until she answered. He had no business being there, this he knew. He felt terrible, but the things his wife said made him feel even worse. He knew that if no one else in the world could make him feel wanted, Monica would.
    When she opened the door, a pleasant smile spread across her face. She didn’t expect to see James this evening, especially since she just had his wife earlier. Standing in front of him in crotchless, French cut boy-shorts and three-inch stiletto heels, she waited for him to stop staring at her exposed breasts and make contact with her eyes before she said anything.
    “What do I owe the pleasure of seeing your handsome face this evening?” she purred in his ear as she ran her hands up under his shirt and across his nipples. James tried to act like he wasn’t fazed by her actions, but his evident erection spoke volumes.
    “I needed to get out of the house. Jazz is trippin’ again,” he said, remembering his reason for being out that time of night. His erection faded to nothing as he stood with his head bowed down, waiting for Monica to invite him in.
    “Really?” she responded as if she hadn’t seen Jasmine since the courthouse incident. “Want to come in and talk about it?”
    “Yeah,” he said stepping into her living room, brushing against her to get by.
    Monica already had her mind set on getting some before he left and made

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