Hamelton (Dr. Paul)

Free Hamelton (Dr. Paul) by Christopher; Dr. Paul Blake

Book: Hamelton (Dr. Paul) by Christopher; Dr. Paul Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher; Dr. Paul Blake
century clothes and change at the Hidden Six. Which was an interesting concept to me that women can wear a revealing bikini at the beach but if the wind lifted their dress to show their non revealing slip for a short moment, she would be very embarrassed. I suppose that it is a matter of perspective, that seeing something that is historically personal as an invasion, when on the other hand, a string bikini can be considered socially acceptable clothing. Anyway, we agreed among ourselves to meet at the front when ready.
    When I arrived at where the fish fountain would someday be, I realized that it was more like a large bird bath or children's wading pool. It was about ten feet across and filled with clean water. Probably because I was busy baffling my overworked mind with puzzles, I wondered why they did not have the fish spitting fountain here at this time? They had no electricity to pump the water up, seemed to be the obvious answer. My mind started to wonder. I had 300 years of knowledge over the people of this time. I knew scientific information that could revolutionize the world. This fountain for example, I could motorize the water and make a fountain that kings would come to see. But, I don't know how to make motors, or make wire, or cast for the rotor, or for that matter make electricity. I thought about cars, washing machines, air conditioners, and telephones. All these things need parts I did not know how to make and had parts I was not sure what their function was. Well, of course now you and I can think of easier inventions we could have stolen the credit for like Velcro, but try to figure it out when you are in a strange world and uncertain of your own future.
    One of the men from the dinner table the night before joined me at the fountain area and said he was told to show us the way to the Hidden Six once we were all ready. I asked the man what he thought about the Friar.
    The man told me, "John was once a fierce soldier. He was loyal to king and country. During a skirmish, which I'm told he slew over twenty of the enemy, he turned and ran threw one of his own men before he looked. He repented for his ways right there on the battlefield and swore to spend his life in the service of the Lord. Now that he has met William, like the rest of us here, we feel we can best serve the Lord by understanding the true meaning of the Holy Bible. Our aim is to reach Heaven when still in this life. John does go one step further then most here. I think that John believes William is a God. He is so faithful he would die for William. John still has his sword, but only carries it in William's defense, as you will soon see. He is a strange man, but a good man."
    The girls came out of the mansion. We told the man we could find our way to the Hidden Six. He followed us nonthe-less. The walkway itself was more defined in William's time. There were stones placed on both sides of the path and occasionally some nicely trimmed bushes lined the way. The path was not overly prominent just visible. Hanna said it did not exist in our time, but she knew this was the right way to go.
The Hidden Six was quite well maintained. The paint was fresh and the garden cared for. There was a small outhouse that could be seen behind it. John, the Friar, was standing on the front step. As we approached, I could see he was wearing a sheath with a large sword in it. John said in his rough voice, "William is inside awaiting you." Noticing our awareness of his weapon he remarked, "We like to keep our experiments private."
    Upstairs William was waiting for us. As I stood at the top of the stairs, I looked around. Inside the large room was William sitting cross legged in the center seemingly in deep thought. The other rooms seemed to be set up for meetings because they had no beds just chairs. The room William was in was absent of furniture, as it was in the twentieth century. William looked up at us.
    Handy said, "If you don't mind, the women wanted to wear the

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