The Zombie Zovels (Book 1): Zombie Suburbia

Free The Zombie Zovels (Book 1): Zombie Suburbia by D.K Lake

Book: The Zombie Zovels (Book 1): Zombie Suburbia by D.K Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.K Lake
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
toddler around, one that continuously keeps asking why .
“One with big branches.” He still looked confused. “The branches need to be wide enough to sleep
on comfortably without falling off and high enough off the ground.”
“What happens if you do fall off?”
“I think you should be more afraid of what I'm going to do to you if you don't shut up.”
“I dunno, I kinda like the sound of that.” he said with a playful smile.
“You're disgusting!”
“Sorry, but you're the first female I've seen in a month that hasn't tried to kill me.”
“Don't be so sure about that, I still might change my mind about you.”
“You're still as hot as hell!”
I stopped and looked at him, I mean really looked at him.
“I haven't washed my hair in over a week, I have dirt under my fingernails, I kinda stink because I
ran out of deodorant, my lips are as chapped as fuck, and I turned my underwear inside out this
morning because I didn't feel like taking a dip into the freezing river. But you're right, Lane, I'm so
incredibly hot right now, and you, I mean wow, I'm getting excited just looking at you, do you
wanna take me right here on the muddy ground or do you wanna do it against one of the many
trees? Take your pick.”
He grunted a laugh and stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out his cigarettes. “I see you haven't
lost your sense of humor... or your foul mouth,” he said, lighting a cigarette.

Chapter 5
    Lane trailed behind me like we were on some nature walk, taking in all the scenery. I led the way, I
doubt Lane had any idea where he was going.
I rubbed at my braids. My hair itched and pulled where I'd braided it close to my scalp, in an
attempt to keep it off my face. I still couldn't bring myself to cut it off. I licked my lips without
thinking about it and silently scolded myself for it as it only made them rougher.
When the river finally came into view Lane quickened his pace and overtook me. He dumped his
rucksack and shovel on the ground and headed for the edge of the water. I dropped my bag on the
ground, but kept my weapon in my hand, and walked up behind him.
Lane stopped in mid-drink, with his hands cupped hovering below his mouth, he glanced back at
me, and his eyes drifted down to the weapon in my hand.
“You planning on using that on me?” he asked.
He nodded his head at the weapon in my hand.
“What, no, I always keep it close.”
He went back to drinking the water but stopped when he realized I was still watching him.
“You going to have some?” he asked.
“Why not?”
I couldn't believe this guy. He got straight A's, but couldn't use his brain to figure out the water
might be contaminated.
“The water could be contaminated,” I said, kneeling down to wash my hands.
His hands fell apart and he shook them off, watching me as I washed zombie blood off my hands.
“I only use the water to wash in, but I never let any of the water get into an open wound. Also, think
about it, zombies take midnight strolls, how many of them do you think fell into the river and didn't
get out again?”
Lane's face paled a little.
“I'm guessing you've done that before?”
He nodded, looking slightly sick.
“I can't believe you're still alive.” I laughed. “It's the reason I don't eat the fish in here, that's
probably how a lot of the hikers hiding out in the woods caught the disease.”
“What do you drink?” he asked, looking worried still.
“Anything but this water,” I replied, air drying my hands as I stood up.
I picked up my weapon and walked back into the woods a little way, and stopped when I walked
into a smallish clearing with a tree log and enough space for a fire. I looked up at the trees walking
around in a circle.
“This will do,” I said, still looking up, and I bumped into Lane. “Watch it!” I grumbled stepping
We only had about an hour before nightfall and I was hungry and wanted to eat and get settled in
the tree.
I searched around for firewood,

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