The Zombie Zovels (Book 1): Zombie Suburbia

Free The Zombie Zovels (Book 1): Zombie Suburbia by D.K Lake Page B

Book: The Zombie Zovels (Book 1): Zombie Suburbia by D.K Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.K Lake
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
again. My mom got sick, then dad... I left with a small
group and we made it to a hospital that was still up and running with other survivors and-”
“And let me guess the disease started spreading inside the hospital or it got overrun with zombies,”
“The second one.”
“Well, what do you expect, it's the reason I avoid the main towns, the zombies are getting clever,
they know we group together in large buildings.”
“Then I was lucky enough to find a car that was working and I got the hell out of there, then when it
ran out of gas I started walking, looking for another safe house facility.”
“Nowhere is safe.”
I lifted the saucepan away from the fire and could feel Lane's eyes on me.
“I'll eat half then you can finish it off.” I grumbled, getting comfortable on the tree log I had
claimed as my own.
I started eating my soup, keeping one eye on the trees around us. Lane appeared oblivious to
anything and was too involved in his comic.
“How long had you really been following me?”
“From the town.”
“I dropped my weapon when I was inside that place when I was ambushed by a gazillion zombies,
that town was crawling with them like ants. You were either staying in the town, which would have
been suicide or you followed me into the town.”
“I may have seen you before,”
“There was a ranch on the outside of town, the one with the overturned horsebox in the front yard.”
“Hmm, I remember, it's where I found the soup and my bottled water. From the look of the place, I
think the previous owners had stayed there waiting it out. The way the windows had bars on them
and the makeshift alarm system made out of cans and tins... You were there?” I asked.
“I was asleep in the upstairs closet.” he replied.
“Is that what that lumping noise upstairs was? I thought it was a zombie so I made a quick exit.”
“No, it was me tripping out of the closet. Once I heard the alarm system rattle I thought I had
company. I grabbed my rucksack and jumped out the window, climbed around the porch roof, then
saw the back of you.”
“So you didn't think to call out to me? You thought it was a better idea to follow me into town like a
creepy stalker?”
“I didn't know it was you.. you . I thought it was some random girl, and I followed her-you thinking
she was heading back to some safe house in the town.”
“That town was anything but safe.”
“You stole my soup and my bottled water.” he said.
“No, I didn't. I found them stashed inside the washing machine, I doubt you even checked the
washing machine.”
“The washing machine?”
“People that plan on staying in their homes get clever about hiding their food, just in case they have
visitors, but I think whoever was there was long gone, it looked as though they cleared out in a
hurry and took most of it. And if you followed me through town then you saw me get ambushed.
Thanks for stepping in to save me,”
“From the looks of it, you had it covered.”
“Yes, right up until those screaming demons showed up.”
Lane shuddered. “Those looked vicious.”
“That's what I thought, that's why I ran.”
“You're really good at it.”
“Good at what?”
“Killing zombies, you make it look awesome.”
“You think killing zombies is awesome?”
“You looked like something from COD.”
“ Call Of Duty . The way you ducked behind cars and ran along the sidewalk diving behind trash
cans, and crawling under shit.”
“Are you making fun of my survival skills?”
“No, I was just saying,”
“Well, I didn't know anyone was watching.”
“You were so quick at it, the way you took one out and moved straight onto the next-”
“Lane, can you stop, I'm trying to eat.”
“You must have killed a lot of zombies,”
“Still eating,”
“What's the youngest you've seen?”
I knew what he was talking about, and it wasn't something I wanted to talk about.
I shrugged. “I dunno, five-ish.”
“Did you, you know,”
“Why do you

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