Free 5PM by Chris Heinicke

Book: 5PM by Chris Heinicke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Heinicke
year, young lady?”
    “Yes, I do, and as soon as I turn six, Mummy says I can go.”
    “O-M-G, that’s so awesome!” Brittany’s eyes light up as she speaks to the kids and they return the smile and giggle with her.
    I walk up next to Talissa and whisper in her ear, “I think she’ll be fine.”
    “Okay, Isaac and Matilda, if you’re good for Miss Brittany here, she’ll be back again. Now come give us a kiss before we go.”
    Children’s emotions are the most genuine of anyone’s, and they both squeeze us tight, telling us they love us before we get to say it first. It’s been a long time since Talissa and I have had a date night, so I know I intend to make it count.
    * * * * * 
    I couldn’t have picked a more romantic setting if I had tried. We’re seated at a candlelit table by a window overlooking the lake. The moon reflects its light to the surface of the water, reminding us of times gone by when we wore the clothes of our much younger selves. And the times we didn’t wear them.
    I need to get my mind elsewhere. The last few days, I can barely get sex out of my brain, and my work is suffering for it. Not to mention what it could do to my marriage. During the lavish three-course meal, we talk about work, and I mention Roger’s idea of going into a partnership.
    “He’ll just be riding on your coattails, Terry. You could do it on your own. You could do anything if you put your mind to it. You are the most amazing man I have ever met.”
    A tear comes to my eye. “I love you, Talissa.” I then lean over the table to kiss her, my tie nearly hitting the flame of the candle.
    She laughs, and as the dessert is served up, she reaches under the table and grabs my hand. She slides forward in her seat and says, “I forgot something before we left,” and puts my hand between her legs.
    No wonder she walked very carefully in her dress tonight. One long stride and anyone around would be seeing what’s normally reserved for my eyes only. “Everything’s working tonight,” I tell her.
    And by the smile on her face, I’m certain she knows what I mean.
    * * * * *  
    I settle the bill and we walk towards the car. There are only a few cars left in the rear car park of the restaurant, and looking over at the lake, we see no one nearby. I look at her and ask, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
    Talissa giggles and I let her take the lead as she turns away from me and takes off her high heels. Carrying them in her hand, she starts to run from the car park past the front of the restaurant and then to the downhill grassy mound that leads to the lake. Following behind her, I can see her bright white arse as it’s exposed when her dress rides up as she runs ahead. I stay on track as she takes a turn to the right and heads for an area out of sight of anyone still at the restaurant.
    I stop running as she comes to a halt near the banks of the lake. I notice my dress shoes are covered in mud. I kick them off and remove my socks, which are also grubby from the run.
    “You better not be stopping there,” Talissa tells me with her hands on her hips.
    I wink at her before I remove my tie, and then followed by taking off my shirt and trousers. I am now standing there in just my underwear. “Your turn,” I say to her.
    She pulls her dress up and over her head, throwing it to the ground. She stares at me, and I stare back at her now completely naked body. She giggles and runs to the edge of the water and takes a big dive. I have no choice but to follow her—which I do after removing my last item of clothing.
    The water bites at me with its chilling particles, but I swim to where my wife is treading water a few metres away. She puts her arms around me, and I return the gesture, our legs kicking at the water to keep our buoyancy. We release each other and paddle around splashing each other for a few more minutes until she leads me on a race to the shore.
    The moonlight illuminates her nice, large

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