
Free Stolen by Jalena Dunphy

Book: Stolen by Jalena Dunphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jalena Dunphy
    Mom stands, and without saying anything, leaves the
room, Cass follows her. I can’t believe they left me with a perfect stranger.
I’m staring at the now vacant spots on the sofa across from me when Bruce
directs me back to him by continuing where he left off.
    “So, like I said, I met your mom and sister yesterday
when they came to file a report.”
    A report? What could they possibly have had to file a
report about? My hands are getting clammy, my heart is hurting in my chest, my
blood feels like it’s going to burst from my veins, and any sense of power I
may have had is a pile of ash at my feet.
    Whatever he tells me is going to be bad, and a large
part of me doesn’t want to know what it is. Maybe no one has to tell me
anything. I’ll just pretend everything is fine and everyone can continue
ignoring me until this blows over. The minute I take to think this is a minute
too long, I know, but I’m scared; scared of knowing, scared of not knowing, and
scared about the consequences of either.
    “Saturday evening an envelope was dropped off by a
young man supposedly working for the post office, though it was after their
normal business hours. Your mother was the one who took the envelope, but after
seeing it was addressed to your sister, she had your sister open it. There was
no return address and they later noticed there wasn’t actually a mailing
address for your house either.
    “The envelope did contain a letter and also a picture.
I brought the letter with me, if you’d like to read it yourself.”
    I can’t speak. I put my hand out for him to give me
the letter. It’s in an evidence bag, and I’m instructed not to remove it, so I
straighten the Ziploc type bag so I can see the writing more clearly. I take a
breath and begin to read it.
    To the lovely Cassie,  
    I would love to introduce myself, but this
isn’t the time yet for introductions. I have been trying to bide my time, but
my patience is running out and I am afraid the business I planned to attend to
later rather than sooner has taken precedence.
    Your sister has decided it smart to make a
fool out of me and I don’t take lightly to that. I know, especially now that
that joke of a boy is out of your life that you will be a voice of reason to
her stubbornness. I am counting on you.
    Your sister has given what should have
been mine to that ridiculous boy she thinks she loves. What can she possibly
know about love? There is no one who will ever love her more than I do, and she
will soon learn that.
    This is the part where you come in. I will
give her a choice: She can choose me. Or she can choose him. If she makes the
wrong choice, I am warning now that fatal consequences will be inflicted on
certain third parties. It’s her decision.
    Please don’t make me regret confiding in
you. I would hate to be angry with you, too. You have a choice in all this too,
you know. Help me, which helps your sister, or don’t help me and say goodbye to
the life and sister you know.
     I will be in touch soon.
    I look up from the letter at a stoic faced Bruce and
back down at the letter in my hand. I slide my hands over the glossy feel of
the baggie it’s enclosed in and imagine the hands that had touched the letter
inside. Who is this person? Why does he want me? Do I know him?
    I’m absentmindedly turning the letter over and over again
in my hand, my mind a mess of thoughts and feelings, when Bruce clears his
    “I know this is a lot to take in, and I’m sure you
have plenty of questions. I’ll answer what I can, but, unfortunately, that
isn’t going to be much; we haven’t had a lot of time yet to investigate.”
    I stare blank faced at him, then close my eyes and say
a little prayer to the Cosmos. Whatever happens next, please, please, keep
Cass, mom, and Rogan safe. Please!
    “Jess. Jess, please.”
    I wince as hands rest on top of mine folded on my lap.
I yank them away, open my eyes, and blink rapidly at the nervous but

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