The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth

Free The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth by Rose Bush

Book: The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth by Rose Bush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Bush
                  “So, you say your father’s deceased?” He wiped the chicken grease from his fingertips before jotting notes in his black book.
                  “Yes, he was killed before I was born. I never got to meet him or his relatives.” Leah answered in between chewing up her waffle.
                  “And your mother’s last known whereabouts are in the Toledo, Ohio area?”
                  “Yes. From what I was told, she was a prostitute. She may also be residing in the Columbus, Ohio area as well.”
                  “Do you know her name and who told you she was a prostitute?” Mr. Gasko tried to keep a straight face.
                  “No. I don’t know her name. My foster----well one of my foster parents told me about her and that she went by the name Peaches.”
                  “Any other known living relative to include? Siblings?”
                  Leah shook her head no. She looked as though she was at a dead end. She sipped on her lemonade and tea mixture and stared off into space.
                  Rachel finally interjected.  “Mr. Gasko, with the limited amount of information, will finding her mother be possible?”
                  “Anything is possible. I’ve solved many cases by using what may seem to most people as the strangest and most impossible clues. We will find Leah’s birth mom or my name isn’t Shane Gasko.” He spoke with such confidence.
                  “Well, sir, being that you are a private investigator, I’m willing to bet that isn’t your real name.” Rachel mumbled under her breath and smirked at him. He winked at her, but didn’t respond.
                  Shane picked up the tab and told Leah he would call her to schedule their next meeting.  Leah hung her head down low as she and Rachel walked to the car. She looked sad and full of gloom. “I’m scared Rachel.”
                  “Of what? Finding your mother?” Rachel tried to sound sympathetic.
                  “I’m afraid of not finding her and never finding out who I really am.”
                  “I’m sure these are normal emotions for a situation such as this. Everything is going to be alright.”
                  “What if she’s dead or not in her right mind? What if I never get the chance to ask her all the questions that I’ve been dying to know; like why did she abandon me?”
                  Rachel kept silent, allowing Leah to express herself the whole way home. The kids were with the neighbor; Rachel wanted to get back as quickly as possible. It was one thing to find a sitter for her two children every now and again, but a sitter for five kids was something different. “What if she is in her right mind, wondering where you are? Perhaps, she’s been looking for you. You have to be a little more optimistic, Leah. It’s going to work out.” Rachel wasn’t confident that it would work, but she was hopeful.
                  When they pulled into the driveway of Rachel’s apartment, she asked Leah to pray with her. They held hands and bowed their heads. “Dear, Heavenly Father, let me start by thanking you merely for your goodness. Lord, we know that through you anything and all things are possible. Lord, I ask that you wrap your arms around Leah and carry her on her journey to find her mother. We thank you in advance for reuniting the two of them. Lord, we also ask that you forgive us for our sins; in your son, Jesus, name we pray. Amen.”
                  Leah rested her head on Rachel’s shoulder. Tears poured out of her eyes. “Thank you, Rachel.”
                  “You don’t have to thank me. Just get yourself together before we go in here and get the kids.”
                  Leah nodded her head and cleaned her

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